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2024 (2) 2023 (3)
Eddie Harrison

Eddie Harrison

Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer at Navro
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Simplifying pension payments for wandering workers and roving retirees

08 Jul 2024

It wasn't so long ago that people lived, worked, and died within just a few miles of where they were born. And while there are places in the world where this is still the case, the lives of people in many countries are increasingly mobile. People on the move Today, a growing number of workers seek out excitement, adventure, or better pay packets b...


Five steps to tackle the payments challenges of fast-growing E-commerce Businesses

08 Jul 2024

With many consumers still feeling the squeeze of the cost-of-living crisis, retailers are increasingly looking to e-commerce marketplaces to drive revenue. It's easy to see the draw; marketplaces require lower upfront costs compared to setting up a standalone online platform, provide access to a larger pool of potential customers, and increase the...


Simplifying the Path to Scale and Savings for International Ecommerce Payments

26 Sep 2023

Thanks to ecommerce, shoppers have never had things so good. With just a few clicks, we can search and pay for items from merchants and marketplaces located pretty much anywhere in the world. Most businesses have gone out of their way to make this a seamless experience for customers in order to deter basket abandonment and drive customer loyalty. ...


The neglected middle: how international payments systems are failing the majority of marketplaces

22 Aug 2023

How do ecommerce marketplaces move money across borders efficiently, securely, and cost effectively? The answer to this question will vary according to the size of the organisation. For small marketplaces dealing in payment volumes of less than $50 million there's really only one option: leveraging local service providers and the SWIFT interbank ...