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20136 Results from 2015

Glendy Kam

Glendy Kam Chief Product Officer at Tassat Group, Inc.

Global Connectivity: Real-Time Finance's Impact on Cross-Border Transactions

Cross-border transactions have long functioned as the driving force for international investment and play a pivotal role in the global economy. As companies continue to expand their operations and engage in international partnerships, the inefficiencies of legacy payments technology continue to pose significant challenges. According to a 2022 stud...

/payments Blockchain in Banking and Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Private Equity Firms Embrace AI for Their Portfolio Companies

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into business operations has moved beyond mere speculation to tangible ROI. Recognizing this shift, private equity firms are eager to position their portfolio companies at the forefront of reaping these benefits. Investment managers and venture capitalists are already trying their hand with AI, albei...

/markets /predictions Capital Markets Technology

John Pearce

John Pearce Chief Customer Officer at CloudPay

What are the biggest compliance challenges for payroll professionals?

It should go without saying that the management of sensitive information has, and always will be, central to the roles of payroll professionals. However, in recent years the payroll industry, like almost every other, has had to deal with complicated factors such as the rise of remote work, shifting employee demographics and varying data privacy re...

/payments /regulation

Shahzaib Muhammad Feroz

Shahzaib Muhammad Feroz Digital Marketer at AKS iQ

Understanding Regulatory Frameworks for Trade-Based Money Laundering (TBML) Compliance

Trade-based money laundering (TBML) poses significant risks to the global financial system, requiring robust regulatory frameworks and international standards to combat this illicit activity. Compliance professionals play a crucial role in understanding and implementing these frameworks to ensure effective TBML prevention. This article will delve ...

/regulation RegTech

Joe Rodriguez

Joe Rodriguez Sr. Managing Director Financial Services at Cloudera

How can data analytics impact decision-making in the fintech industry?

Data has become an essential driver for new monetisation initiatives in the fintech industry. Vast amounts of data are collected from customers, transactions, and market movements, among other sources. This offers tremendous potential to extract valuable insights that can inform business decisions, improve customer service, and create new revenue ...

/regulation /retail Analytics in Banking

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

If you don't know where you are going, any road will do..

So where are we going? Do we realize that we nead leaps in productivty, in service capability, in security, in privacy, in Single Market progress and in serious lowering of costs in the public sectors? Then all countries and EU should make the strongest possible public-private efforts to get the Trust Infrastructure in place - supported by global...

/retail /identity Innovation in Financial Services

Parth Prafulbhai Sonara

Parth Prafulbhai Sonara Product Manager at BlackRock

The settlement date for security transactions and what it means for financial processes

In response to heightened market volatility during the COVID-19 pandemic, the US Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) issued a white paper in February 2021 advocating for a transition to T+1 settlement. Collaborative efforts in 2021 and 2022 produced recommendations spanning post-trade processes, aiming to enhance investor benefi...

/payments Fintech

Sam Boboev

Sam Boboev COO & Co-Founder at Botcommerce

Corporate payments: Identifying key pain points for corporates and banks

Corporates have historically faced challenges in accessing real-time information on payment transaction status and account positions, especially in complex cross-border transactions *** Insights *** Corporate payments: Identifying key pain points for corporates and banks Limited visibility on end-to-end transaction status for cross-border paymen...


Sam Boboev

Sam Boboev COO & Co-Founder at Botcommerce

Deep Dive: Embedded Finance - Where Everyday Experiences Meet Financial Solutions

Imagine seamlessly paying for your Uber ride within the app, purchasing travel insurance with a single click on your booking platform, or managing your finances directly within your favorite shopping app. This is the world of embedded finance, where financial services are seamlessly integrated into non-financial experiences, transforming the way


Cassy Ramsey

Cassy Ramsey Chief Risk Officer at Aion Bank

Regulation and compliance are essential when picking the right BaaS provider

The term Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) has shot to prominence in recent years, but there is no single definition of a BaaS provider - some providers are strictly IT specialists, others hold licences limited to payment products, and a few offer full end-to-end BaaS with services based on a full banking licence. Today, BaaS has evolved and is availabl...

/regulation Embedded Finance

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