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1068 Results from 2020

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Retired Member 

Decoding Outsourcing Within the Insurance Industry

Outsourcing, or the use of external competencies, is something that management often considers; What parts of my organization can be outsourced, and what to keep in-house? The question that often arises is, “will this system or process give me a cost advantage if it’s outsourced?” If the answer is yes, then they move the operation outside of

/devops /inclusion Innovation in Financial Services

Joris Lochy

Joris Lochy Product Manager at Intix | Co-founder at Capilever

Innovation is key to solve climate issues - part 3 - The IT and Tech sector as change enabler

This blog is the last article in a series of 3 blogs on how climate issues can be solved through a worldwide roll-out of technological innovations. This last blog focuses on how the IT/Tech sector can help in facilitating the transition towards climate neutrality. Just like the Financial Services sector (see blog 2 -

/sustainable Sustainable compliance

Alex Kreger

Alex Kreger Founder & CEO at UXDA

Five Digital Banking Challenges that can be Solved with Customer-Centricity

The digital age has opened more opportunities for development and growth as ever before. This challenges the banks to adopt a new mindset, business approach and innovative technologies to take their services to the next level. Success in tackling these challenges relies on customer trust and loyalty. How to become a loved digital brand that provid...

/people /retail Digital Banking Trends

Yousaf Hafeez

Yousaf Hafeez . at .

Natural Language Processing In Capital Markets

What is NLP? Simply put NLP is a way to allow computer to read and interpret data that is very likely unstructured. This short paper explores how NLP is used in Capital Markets. The growth of electronic trading across all asset class has led to tools such as NLP becoming increasing popular in decision making in trading. Electronic trading ac

Yousaf Hafeez

Yousaf Hafeez . at .

Data Quality in Machine Learning.

We regularly see and hear phrases like “data is the life blood of an organisation” or “the world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data”. There is no denying that data is an incredibly valuable resource. But a theme that is overlooked in many articles or only mentioned in passing is the importance of data quality. Technology b

Yo McDonald

Yo McDonald Vice President, GRC Solutions at MetricStream, Inc.

The Digital Impact Chain: a critical tool to get the business and cyber on the same page in a crisis

In this time of digitalisation, with more employees, suppliers and third parties opting for virtual meetings and transactions - IT, security and cyber teams have become hyper-vigilant about protection of sensitive and regulated information. It’s a challenge. In previous posts on Risk Quantification, and how 2020 is changing the way we 'Do Risk a...

/regulation /covid-19 Financial Risk Management

Shikko Nijland

Shikko Nijland CEO at INNOPAY

How much Open Banking budget is future relevance worth to you?

It is time for banks to reconsider their perspective on Open Banking. In this new transaction- and data-driven world, data sharing – just like money and payments – needs to be decentralised. However, it must also be interoperable and trustable. Proper governance and oversight safeguard public functions for society as a whole, and data sharing shou...

/payments /retail Digital Banking Trends

Paul Hampton

Paul Hampton Security Expert at Thales

Revolutionising financial services one blockchain at a time

The financial industry is one of, if not the most regulated industries in the world. As such, while innovation may appear to be on a smooth road in other sectors, to many the financial world can be viewed as a little slow to the party. However, while the industry can be cautious and rightly so given the role it has in society, innovation is by no ...

/security /regulation Blockchain in Banking and Financial Services

Claus Christensen

Claus Christensen CEO at Know Your Customer

3 Principles to Successfully Digitise Corporate Onboarding in Banking

Paper processes used to take days. Digital journeys usually take minutes. Mobile app processes should take seconds. Since mobile technology has entered everyday life, our standards for what constitutes a seamless business interaction has shifted sensibly. In financial services, the introduction of internet and mobile banking has revolutionised o...

/regulation /wholesale Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Jim Craig

Jim Craig Co-Founder at Conotext

Make Sure You’re Deploying the Right Digital Marketing Strategy

A small survey from fintech marketing firm Kasasa revealed that 56% of community financial institutions have a social media marketing budget of $1,000 or less. Another survey from WebStrategy noted that almost half of community financial institutions that responded spend between 10-19% of their marketing budget on social media marketing. Developi...

/retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

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