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1147 Results from 2019

Scott Cutler

Scott Cutler Director, at Fortinet

Three’s a crowd: why third-party vendors are both an opportunity and a threat

From social media apps to exercise tracking and online shopping, today consumers are producing data at an unprecedented rate and businesses of every type are under pressure to ensure the safety of that data and maintain customer trust. But there are few types of data more sensitive than financial information – which means businesses in the financi...

/security Information Security

Anish Kapoor

Anish Kapoor CEO at AccessPay

Why getting the right technology mix isn’t your biggest challenge

As we hurtle forward into a new decade, we are surrounded by a seemingly limitless range of new technologies. All we have to do is reach across the sofa to our smartphones, think of anything we want or need, and we can be sure, ‘there’s an app for that’. A plethora of platforms, scant standardisation Technology proliferation is also becoming increa...

Fintech innovation and startups

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Top 3 trends that will influence Wealth Management in 2020.

Wealth management is transforming faster than most professionals realize because the industry’s customer base is changing. Three trends are driving a paradigm shift in wealth management that will become clear in 2020. The most visible trends are the rise of intergenerational wealth, and the growing number of high-net worth women. For example, the

/ai /wealth Trends in Financial Services

Todd Clyde

Todd Clyde CEO at

Open banking connectivity: the outlook is better than you think

You have probably seen the headlines about banks not being ready for PSD2 – as the deadline approached and then passed, they were hard to miss. While it is true that less than 50% of banks have met all of the requirements mandated by the EU legislation, this is far from the full story. The open banking outlook for Europe is, in fact, brighter than ...

Open Banking

Tim Duncan

Tim Duncan Founder/CEO at

FDIC Issues New Rule With Significant implications to Inclusive Fintech and Nonprofits

Summary: Last week the FDIC announced that it was issuing a new rule that will modify two definitions in the regulations regarding deposits that are facilitated by third parties to banks and other insured depository institutions (“IDIs”). Given that the new OCC “Fintech Bank Charter” is dead in the water, this may be the most important developm...

/regulation /inclusion Inclusive FinTech

Satya Swarup Das

Satya Swarup Das Director, Products/Solutions Management at Unisys

Embedded Banking : The next level of offering for financial institutions

Financial institutions have traditionally been comfortable in maintaining the ownership of customer relationships. The digital disruption in last 3-4 years has pushed them to adopt newer ways of banking, especially due to advent of plethora of fintech companies and neo-banks. That phase is gradually settling down with banks adapting to the tsunami...

Futuristic Banking

Marcus Martinez

Marcus Martinez Industry Advisor, Worldwide FSI at Microsoft

The age of data abundance...and time poverty

“Data is the new oil” – you’ve probably heard this quote all too frequently by now. I can’t deny this is an interesting parallel, given data (just like oil) can be mined, stored and transformed in order to power other technologies and create value. However, I think this parallel is not only misleading, but dangerous when you consider the broader c...

Open Banking

Joris Lochy

Joris Lochy Product Manager at Intix | Co-founder at Capilever

Transforming the insurance sector to an Open API Ecosystem

1. Introduction "Open" has recently become a new buzzword in the financial services industry, i.e. open data, open APIs, Open Banking, Open Insurance…​, but what does this new buzzword really mean? "Open" refers to the capability of companies to expose their services to the outside world, so that external partners or even compet...


Rowland Park

Rowland Park CEO at Limeglass Limited

Financial research innovation: the next information advantage

An information advantage has become one of the most important competitive edges in the financial markets today. Receiving the right data, faster than competitors, is a significant driver of performance. However, while firms invested over $50 billion in 2019 into market data[1], investment in technology to make the consumption of financial research...

/markets Fintech

Urvish Macwan

Urvish Macwan Team Leader at Hyperlink Infosystem

How Does The Nature Of Blockchain?

In every 30, 40 or 50 years, the status quo must be challenged, modified, transformed, in order to avoid the accumulation of power, centralization, totalitarianism, and corruption. Corruption is inherent in power systems, and there is no more tyrannical power than power over money. Only one billion people worldwide have access to banking services...

/crypto Blockchain Observations

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