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Todd Clyde

Todd Clyde

CEO at
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Bio I am the CEO of Token and an established operator of Silicon Valley software companies. Career History After 12 years with Accenture, I have spent the last 20 years at high growth companies, with four consecutive successful exits in Financial Services Technology and Enterprise Software. Token is my fifth technology start-up, having joined the company in 2016 to drive a shift from traditional payment methods to account-to-account payments.


The future of Payments in Europe

Making good on open banking payments’ promise

15 Nov 2021

Open banking is the most exciting disruption to hit financial services in a generation and is fundamentally changing the payments landscape. Account-to-account (A2A) payments offer not only cost savings and better cash flow but unrivalled reach by covering anyone with a bank account, all while providing smoother onboarding processes and superb ban...

Open Banking

Will A2A payments move into the mainstream and reshape the payments landscape?

20 Oct 2021

The noise around account-to-account (A2A) payments is starting to swell as people pick up on the benefits. FIS’ Global Payments Report 2020 predicted that A2A payments will account for 20% of all e-commerce payments, surpassing both credit and debit cards by 2023. But are we ready? An A2A payment is simply where the payment moves directly from the...

Open Banking

Open banking connectivity: the outlook is better than you think

18 Dec 2019

You have probably seen the headlines about banks not being ready for PSD2 – as the deadline approached and then passed, they were hard to miss. While it is true that less than 50% of banks have met all of the requirements mandated by the EU legislation, this is far from the full story. The open banking outlook for Europe is, in fact, brighter than ...