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1068 Results from 2020

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

Ripple Blockchain and Payments Report 2020: from rippling to spreading out

Ripple, the blockchain payments platform, recently launched its third annual "Blockchain in Payments Report 2020: From Adoption to Growth”. The survey that was conducted in the August-September period this year amongst 854 respondents from payment services providers in 22 countries gives us some interesting and positive insights in the global...

/crypto Blockchain Observations

Ketharaman Swaminathan

Ketharaman Swaminathan Founder and CEO at GTM360 Marketing Solutions

Banks Or Fintechs: Who Is Ahead?

In Why Banks Will Never Catch Up With Fintechs, I shared my thoughts on why I believe that Banks will never be able to catch up with Fintechs in terms of the User Experience of their websites and apps. (Above post explains the exact difference between bank and fintech.) That post was about the UX of a Financial Services Product. This post is abou...

/retail /wholesale

Scott Raspa

Scott Raspa Head of Marketing at Hydrogen -

Opportunities within Embedded Finance

In a traditional setting, payment is separate from transactions. At the end of a taxi ride, a customer has to dig into their wallet and pull out the cash or credit card needed to settle up with the driver. Embedded finance merges payments and transactions. It creates a seamless experience for the customer by blending what were once separate financ...

/payments /inclusion Embedded Finance

Andrew Beatty

Andrew Beatty Head of Wealth, Retirement & International at FIS

Interpreting an Infinite Mindset in Modern Core Banking

During a recent conversation, Simon Sinek, leadership guru and eternal optimist, reaffirmed his belief that an infinite mindset is central to long-term business success. He further suggested “The goal is not to be perfect by the end, the goal is to be better today.” In this blog we consider his thoughts in the context of bank modernization and how ...

/retail /cloud Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Andrew Stevens

Andrew Stevens Global banking and financial services specialist at Quadient

Branching out: Why improving digital experiences is key to fending off challenger banks

When the pandemic hit, people quickly grew accustomed to carrying out a number of key tasks online, from grocery shopping to catching up with their friends and family. However, they were more enthusiastic about some areas of their lives turning digital than others, with research showing people want to return to physical bank branches post-Covid-1...

/retail /covid-19 Online Banking

Yaroslav Kuflinski

Yaroslav Kuflinski AI/ML Observer at Iflexion

Is Your Data Ready for AI?

We’ve already figured out that AI has an immense potential to enhance business processes of many kinds in almost any industry imaginable. AI is poised to redefine conventional business models, enhance productivity, and drive value overall. When deploying it, companies tend to stick to a traditional scenario: first, outline an elaborate strategy, t...

/devops /startups Business Knowledge for IT

Keith Stanton

Keith Stanton International Product Manager (Fraud & Risk) at FIS

Covid 19 and the effects on Fraud Prevention - Part 3 - Social Engineering

In my previous blog (click here) I detailed how the Fraud threat landscape for cards has changed significantly, with a reduction in card fraud in some of the major markets as consumers are spending less; and spending online rather than at bricks and mortar retail sites. But that doesn't mean the fraud levels are easing – as while payment fraud is ...

/crime /covid-19 Financial Risk Management

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Keep your partnerships positive by understanding how to manage third-party risk

The payment industry has a long tradition of outsourcing, partnering, and collaborating across a wide set of organisations. Many parties are involved each time a customer buys something with a plastic card, pays a bill or sends funds overseas. The wider business world is waking up to the concept of the extended enterprise. This is when several org...

/security /regulation Fintech

Jussi Karjalainen

Jussi Karjalainen CEO at Valtatech

Data driven business intelligence begins with data integration

- Top tips for getting your finance and procurement data in order. We are all striving for the ability to make data-driven decisions. Whether it is using data to find patterns, identify emerging trends, or extract insights that are not obvious from the surface. But how many of the following scenarios sound familiar? Perhaps your data is not access...

/cloud /devops Data sharing

Nancy Weir

Nancy Weir Industry Principal at Pegasystems

Will Event Driven Reviews and Perpetual KYC be the 'New Normal' for Financial institutions?

Over the last 15 years the KYC due diligence process has evolved significantly. But as the bar has been raised on compliance globally, the costs and resources needed in the onboarding process and regular KYC reviews have grown exponentially. Financial institutions don’t have much choice in their approach. They either must make upfront investments ...

/regulation /crime Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

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