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1068 Results from 2020

Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan Banking Industry Market Lead at Pegasystems

Despite Tightening Purse Strings, 2021 Will See Banks Embrace Technology Investment

At the outset of 2020, nobody in the banking industry could have predicted the chain of events that would unfurl. But it hasn’t all been doom and gloom – this year has seen unparalleled technological advancement that will undoubtedly benefit both banks’ internal operations and their customers. But will this momentum continue over the next twelve m...

/retail /covid-19 Digital Banking Trends

Denis Ostapchenya

Denis Ostapchenya Head of Financial Services at Andersen

Why Banks Should Take Cryptocurrencies Seriously

Not long ago, traditional banks made a mistake. Due to inertness and conservatism, the world's largest financial organizations have missed out on the rapid growth of FinTech. Banks had to implement new solutions post-factum and in a rush, which cost them a share of the market which was taken over by young and daring FinTech companies. And now bank...

/crypto Fintech

Diederick Van Thiel

Diederick Van Thiel Visionary Board Member | CEO | NED at AdviceRobo | Ecology Innovations | IKANO | Channel


Looking at the 2020 strategic banking game to detect the winners! The battle on the banking customer has become intense. Therefore, I researched the underlying competencies that drive current and future success in banking. Since September 11th, 2020, I have written a series of 5 blogs that illuminate banks’ differentiation in cost/income strategy,...

/retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Konstantin Rabin

Konstantin Rabin Head of Marketing at Kontomatik

The Post-Soviet fintech landscape - the case for Georgia

Many decades have passed since the collapse of the Soviet Union but the trace is left on the countries is still felt in many aspects of their social lives. Sometimes people think that the countries that split from the USSR would have never emerged as completely independent, developed regions because of the influence the USSR had over them. Back in...

Hemant Vishnoi

Hemant Vishnoi Founder at EnKash

Cards- A Journey from Plastic to Phones to Platforms

Corporate Cards for long have been an important instrument in business payments. With more and more businesses pushing towards utilizing cards for their business payments, there is an upward swing in acceptance of purchase cards as a means of procuring goods and doing business payments However one needs to understand how the entire card evolution ...


Adam Lieberman

Adam Lieberman Chief AI Officer at Finastra

Is synthetic data the key to the next data boom in financial services?

Across industries, data is recognised as an organisation’s most valuable asset. From data comes knowledge and new insights that can be used to improve every function of a business, from new and better products and services for customers, to operational efficiencies. As data strategies mature, firms are turning an increasingly expectant eye toward ...

/regulation /startups Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Ivan Kot

Ivan Kot Solution Consultant at Itransition

Smart Contracts in Real Estate: Still Room for Perfection

Smart contracts have been making waves since the inception of the technology on the blockchain platform Ethereum. They are now used in the number of industries but haven’t fully lived to the hype. In this article, we are figuring out what challenges prevent smart contracts from widespread adoption in real estate transactions, particularly those re...

/security /payments Blockchain in Banking and Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The journey to automated regulatory change: how far have we come, and how much further to go?

Since the 2008 financial crash, financial services have developed their compliance systems at pace. From tools that analyse trades and behavioural anomalies, to those that track and map changing financial regulation – manual, error-prone systems are fast becoming a thing of the past. CUBE’s Elliot Burgess reflects on the journey of automation so f...

/regulation /people RegTech

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Ministry of Collections

When I think about the next couple of years for the UK banking industry, this nightmare scenario comes to mind. A milkman is going door-to-door collecting empty bottles. As he peers ahead through the grey morning light, a horrible realisation dawns. He sees that the street is endless and there are thousands upon thousands of empties to collect. Wh...

/payments /covid-19 Operational Risk Management

Amanda Mickleburgh

Amanda Mickleburgh Director Product - Merchant Fraud at ACI Worldwide

Nearing the Deadline: How are stakeholders preparing for the launch of SCA?

One of the most prominent issues keeping stakeholders in the payments industry busy at the moment is Strong Customer Authentication, or SCA, the new European security standard that intends to protect consumers and businesses from fraud by making it more difficult for a fraudster to make payments from their accounts. After several delays SCA is due...

/payments /regulation The future of Payments in Europe

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