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221 Results from /sustainable

Retired Member

Retired Member 

What is Impact Investing and 7 Companies That are Transforming the Future

In the ever-evolving financial landscape, buzzwords spring up, causing us to ponder, "What is the real meaning behind this term?" Recently, the phrase "impact investing" has been causing some fanfare. Let's decode this concept together. Understanding Impact Investing Envision the melding of social conscience with investment st...

/wealth /sustainable Business

Sumit Adsule

Sumit Adsule Manager Consulting at Cognizant

Emission Management for Commodity Firms

Executive Summary Global warming and emissions are at the center of discussions over the world. The G20 group has set ambitious targets to limit global rise in temperature by the end of the century. Industries and organizations are under regulatory watch to reduce their GHG emissions and reach net zero by 2050 to meet the global targets. The ene...

/sustainable Going green

Maria Patschke

Maria Patschke Managing Director of ESG Solutions at SAP Fioneer

Embracing ESG: How to leverage business potential beyond reporting

In an era defined by environmental consciousness, the financial services industry finds itself at a crossroads. As the world grapples with pressing challenges such as climate change, social inequality, and corporate governance, a new paradigm has emerged — one that places a spotlight on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. As the f...

/regulation /sustainable Regulatory Reporting

Aurélie L'hostis

Aurélie L'hostis Principal Analyst at Forrester Research

Is Your Company Ready For The CSRD?

If your firm operates in the EU, chances are that you’re one of the nearly 50,000 companies in scope for the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) — the final piece in the EU’s sustainable finance regulation jigsaw. The CSRD requires all large companies and listed small- and medium-sized enterprises operating in the EU to disclo...

/regulation /sustainable Sustainable compliance

Iain MacLennan

Iain MacLennan Head of Trade & Supply Chain Finance at Finastra

The future of trade finance – views from Sibos

Trade digitization, driven by advances in technologies such as blockchain and AI, has been a topic of conversation at Sibos for the last several years. Yet challenges remain, contributing to the widening of the trade finance gap. Many transactions still rely on paper due to traditional practices and fragmented supply chains across jurisdictions. M...

/wholesale /sustainable Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Josh Dry

Josh Dry Business Development Director at Cogo

Could AI help banks lead a sustainability revolution?

TLDR: In the climate innovation race, AI could be the secret sauce to getting ahead for banks smart enough to harness its power. In an era where the urgency of climate change is impossible to ignore, the world is searching for sustainable solutions in every nook and cranny of industry. In this pursuit, one sector that holds immense potential for p...

/retail /sustainable Fintech

Lars Rensing

Lars Rensing CEO & Co-founder at Protokol

DPPs and blockchain - how can businesses prepare for upcoming EC regulation?

In recent decades of industrial growth, businesses raced to scale and prioritising growth above all else became the norm. But limitless growth is not sustainable, and there are other models of production that we must turn to. Enter the circular economy. In Europe, it is a key concept in plans to embed sustainability into regulation and lead the wo...

/regulation /sustainable Blockchain Geek

Ben Gleisner

Ben Gleisner CEO at Cogo

Let’s make America GREEN again!

In the climate innovation race, American banks are losing ground faster than the icebergs are melting and if they don’t mobilise fast enough, they won’t be able to catch up... Money20/20 USA calls itself “The world's biggest, most influential gathering of the global money ecosystem”, but amongst 350 speakers and countless topics, ‘sustainability’ a...

/retail /sustainable Sustainable compliance

Suchit Poralla

Suchit Poralla Director, Strategic Customer Transformation at SAP

Exploring the Connection Between Digital Transformation and Sustainability

Understanding the intersection between sustainability and digital transformation is becoming increasingly crucial for businesses looking to thrive in today's dynamic market landscape. Let's delve into the intricate relationship between these two concepts and learn how they collectively contribute to the overall business strategy. Why Combine Susta...

/sustainable /cloud Digital Bank Transformation

Delia Pedersoli

Delia Pedersoli COO at MultiPay Global

Going Green With Payments – How To Reduce Plastic Waste And Improve Customer Experience

Single-use plastic is out. The UK Government has mandated that by 1st October 2023, food and beverage businesses and manufacturers must no longer supply, sell or offer single-use plastic items in England. Whilst the ban only includes food items for now, such as bowls, trays and cutlery, it’s a step in the right direction towards minimising the imp...

/payments /sustainable The Payments Business

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