Lars's blog archive

2023 (2)
Lars Rensing

Lars Rensing

CEO & Co-founder at Protokol
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Blockchain Geek

DPPs and blockchain - how can businesses prepare for upcoming EC regulation?

26 Sep 2023

In recent decades of industrial growth, businesses raced to scale and prioritising growth above all else became the norm. But limitless growth is not sustainable, and there are other models of production that we must turn to. Enter the circular economy. In Europe, it is a key concept in plans to embed sustainability into regulation and lead the wo...

Blockchain Geek

Why Luxury Brands Should Use Blockchain To Incorporate Sustainability

29 Mar 2023

According to a Nosto study, 20% of global water waste occurs due to the fashion industry. The study further indicates that 52% of consumers want the industry to become more sustainable. The main demographic of concern here is Gen Z and Millennials (the prime purchasers of luxury brands). They are increasingly pushing for social change, especially ...

Blockchain Geek

Why 2023 will be a bumper year for blockchain

31 Jan 2023

With each new year comes the feeling of change - how can 2023 be more successful than 2022? It’s equally true for businesses as for people. Business leaders should resolve to make 2023 the year that they embrace blockchain, if they haven’t already. For businesses in the gaming and luxury goods sectors, it could underpin radical new ways of providi...