179 Results from 2017, /retail
Henry Hilska Managing Principal at Convexity Solutions
It is hard to avoid hearing about Bitcoin these days as mention of the meteoric rise in value of the crypto-currency has become so prevalent in both the traditional and social media. What is less prevalent, but what should ultimately have a greater impact overall is the technology that underpins this phenomenon, namely Blockchain. Despite some ...
23 December 2017 /retail Innovation in Financial Services
Retired Member
Forecasts for the upcoming year have become an industry staple, but how often are these predictions correct? In this post I review forecasts made at the start of the year so that you can judge who got 2017 right and who needs to brush up on the research. Customer Experience – One of the most discussed topics expected to play a key role in 2017 was ...
21 December 2017 /retail
Anne Leslie-Bini CEO at Pikcio RegTech
In a recent blog post, I floated the idea that it might be time to renew the ‘purpose’ of banking by incentivizing ethical behavior, and I asked whether challenger banks – such as Monzo, Metro, Tandem, Revolut, N26 et al. - are actually up to the challenge of rehabilitating the core of the banking industry, which has managed to entirely bankrupt ...
20 December 2017 /retail /startups Disruption in Retail Banking
Campbell Shaw SVP Publisher Partnerships at Cardlytics
Hackathons have become important drivers of change across the business world. The financial services industry has often had a love-hate relationship with them. Advocates recognised their importance; critics reckoned they were theatre. But as banks across Europe find themselves at multiple crossroads, hackathons, in their truest form, are crucial. I...
20 December 2017 /retail Open Banking
David Donovan Executive Vice President at Publicis.Sapient
Why it’s key to customer centricity and staying relevant in the digital age We are in an age of currencies going digital, fintechs receiving major funding rounds, large non-bank platforms such as Amazon building financial services such as payments, lending services at a record pace, and capital market businesses continuing their slow down. While t...
19 December 2017 /retail Digital Banking Trends
Nikita Blinov Chief Executive Officer at SBDA Group
Proactivity in digital banking has been acknowledged as important by a number of respected organisations. Efma and Accenture announced the winners of their fifth annual Distribution & Marketing Innovation Awards in October granting an award for a tip-based solution as one of the best innovations in retail banking. The 2017 Banking Technology ...
14 December 2017 /ai /retail
Matthew Phillips Head of Banking, UK and Ireland at Diebold Nixdorf
Access to cash is a staple requirement for today’s on-demand generation of consumers. Cash is still relied upon as an essential form of payment, accepted and exchanged in the most places, and always the last to be refused. The general public therefore, want to be safe in the knowledge that they are never too far away from access to our favoured no...
14 December 2017 /retail
With a new year just around the corner, December is typically a month in which people take the time to reflect and remember upon the year gone by. Dealt its fair share of political and economic twists and turns, it’s not surprising uncertainty has hung over the nation, denting both consumer and business confidence in 2017. In fact, in October the ...
13 December 2017 /regulation /retail Trends in Financial Services
Anthony Walton CEO at Iliad Solutions
McKinsey has produced a paper about the next generation of banking in the United States, describing the challenges faced in customer service, innovation, and maintaining profitability in a changing world. It also predicts what banking will look like in the future, considers countries already adopting new ways of operating, and warns that American ...
11 December 2017 /retail Trends in Financial Services
Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,
Finland celebrates its 100 years of independence this year. Being attacked in 1939 by the Soviet Union was a particularly painful part of the journey. The progress after the war - from an agrarian country with some forest industry - has been good. There are now a fair number of Finnish companies amongst the globally leading in several sectors. No...
09 December 2017 /retail Disruption in Retail Banking
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