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2017 (1)
Nikita Blinov

Nikita Blinov

Chief Executive Officer at SBDA Group
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Bio As a CEO of SBDA Group I'm responsible for bringing AI technologies into communications between retail banks and their customers, helping banks to become customer-centric and to provide highly personalized service Career History I started my career as a financial analyst at EY and then proceeded as Head of projects at Yandex, the largest European search engine. Heading SBDA Group today, I promote the values of proactive banking approach and AI methodology



Retail Banking: the Importance of Being Proactive

14 Dec 2017

Proactivity in digital banking has been acknowledged as important by a number of respected organisations. Efma and Accenture announced the winners of their fifth annual Distribution & Marketing Innovation Awards in October granting an award for a tip-based solution as one of the best innovations in retail banking. The 2017 Banking Technology ...