101 Results from 2019, /retail
Hamza Khan Founder and CEO at Suburbia
In 1852, Elisha Otis invented the safety elevator. If the hoisting rope broke, its safety mechanism automatically brought it to a halt – as he demonstrated to dramatic effect at the 1854 world fair. As detailed in Lifted: A Cultural History of the Elevator, the American inventor stood on a platform high above the audience, before making the order ...
16 September 2019 /retail Fintech innovation and startups
Sray Agarwal Specialist - AI and ML at Publicis Sapient
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) promise a smarter, more automated future for everyone. But the algorithms that underpin these technologies are at risk of bias, a substantial threat that could undermine their entire purpose. What exactly is AI bias, why is it important for financial services (FS) firms to avoid it and how can ...
11 September 2019 /ai /retail Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services
Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,
The banking sector is doing in practical terms all the strong e-ID transactions needed in Finland. There are some 3 600 organizations and all of the public sector using this services (dating back to the early 90s..). Central bank statistics reveal continuing strong growth also in 2018: 2014: 56,2 million times 2015: 69,4 2016: 84,7 2017: 100,9 (a s...
11 September 2019 /retail Digital Banking Trends
A population of 5,5m (and some tourists) produced the following ATM volumes: Million times/billion €s: 2014: 145,1 million times/14,4billion € 2015: 137,1m/13,9bn 2016: 124,3m/13,0bn 2017: 12,1bn€ 2018: 11,4bn€ (out of which 0,2 billion with foreign cards) 2019: still over 10bn? 2000€/citizen. For no good reason.. So the rate of decline of €s is 18...
11 September 2019 /payments /retail Digital Banking Trends
Retired Member
This is the first part of a two-part series covering all things categorisation. Part one will cover the what, why and some of the how with part two going deeper on the technical nitty-gritty of how we approach categorisation at Credit Kudos. Let’s start by defining what we mean by categorisation. The term categorisation is used to describe the cl
29 August 2019 /retail Open Banking
Joris Lochy Product Manager at Intix | Co-founder at Capilever
PFM, BFM, Financial Butler, Financial Cockpit, Account Aggregator… - Will the cumbersome administrative tasks on your financials finally be taken over by your financial institution? 1. Introduction Personal Financial Management (PFM) refers to the software that helps users manage their money (budget, save and spend money). Therefore, it is oft
28 August 2019 /retail Personal Finance
Dmitrii Barbasura Chief Operating Officer at Fintech Galaxy
According to the RTS on SCA and CSC (Article 34. Certificates), payment service providers shall rely on eIDAS certificates for third party providers’ (TPPs’) identification. There are 2 types of PSD2 eIDAS certificates and each of them plays an important role: QWAC (qualified certificate for website authentication) - is used for website authenti...
21 August 2019 /regulation /retail Banking Regulations
Rik Coeckelbergs Independent Advisor, Opinion Maker and Consultant at The Banking Scene
Originally posted on Medium on August 2nd, 2019. Some time ago I referred to Hello bank! as a bank that found out that they are very well positioned to become their customer’s real estate manager. They integrated immovlan.be, a real estate website, in their platform to help their clients to look for a house. This week, I witnessed an initiative ...
20 August 2019 /retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Andrew Stevens Global banking and financial services specialist at Quadient
The Competition and Markets Authority has published its latest personal banking service quality report. The survey asked UK current account holders how likely they would be to recommend their provider to a friend, relative or other business. When the CMA launched this report six months ago, it seemed a natural fit when most customers rated a bank w...
16 August 2019 /retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Banking Is More Than Software Disruption is the current name of the game. The promise is it will upturn any economic sector that’s not sufficiently hip to the new ways of doing business. In some cases that has certainly been true. Uber has taken its toll on traditional taxicab companies. Airbnb has altered the hotel and bed-and-breakfast sectors. ...
15 August 2019 /retail Digital Banking, Mortgages and Savings
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