3641 Results from /retail
Elton Cane Digital product delivery at News Corp Australia
The constituent companies of the Finextra50 index at its launch this week comprise a momentary snapshot of an industry in a rapid state of flux. If we had conducted the same index compiling exercise just two or three months ago, at least three companies would have appeared that now don't -- Bisys, Corillian and J Harland. And I anticipate that in...
11 May 2007 /retail /wholesale Finextra50 fintech index
Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra
Douglas Jackson, chairman and founder of digital cash enterprise e-gold, has mounted a spirited defence against an indictment charging e-gold Ltd., Gold & Silver Reserve, Inc., and the directors of both companies with money laundering, operating an unlicensed money transmitter business, and conspiracies to commit both offences. Jackson, speaki...
04 May 2007 /payments /retail
Banks and their customers have very different ideas about what constitutes "sensitive data", and what communication should take place if data security is compromised. And one bank in particular has an interesting approach to managing the media fall-out when such a lapse occurs. Over the past 6 weeks, a journalist at Computerworld Austr...
04 May 2007 /security /retail Information Security
We don’t usually give much currency to business awards on Finextra. In the fintech sector they’re usually just another money-making wheeze dreamt up by desperate advertising execs at trade media outlets. You know the form: buy a table for £4000 and you too could walk off with best OMS widget award for 2007. Satirical re-insurance Website riskbitz ...
03 May 2007 /retail Trends in Financial Services
Following Chris’s forays into the wild world of statistics this week, I thought I’d regale you with a few numbers of my own. According to my personal Finextra Community site stats, Finblog (that’s me folks) has so far notched up nearly 15,000 page views in the two months since we’ve been live. It’s a modest figure when set against the 2.5 million&...
27 April 2007 /retail /wholesale
Nice gossipy piece of unsourced news from Reuters about a reputed spat between Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR) and JPMorgan over the private equity firm’s proposed $29 billion takeover of First Data. According to Reuters’ anonymous informant, the two fell out over the future of Chase Paymentech Solutions, the joint venture processor owned 51% by JPM...
27 April 2007 /payments /retail Finextra50 fintech index
After many years of talking about the need for core banking system replacement among US banks, it seems that foreign and domestic vendors are finally making some headway. But if the predicted boom in replacement projects emerges, where will the banks and vendors find the required technical and business staff to do the work? i-Flex has been target...
23 April 2007 /retail /wholesale Trends in Financial Services
If ABN Amro hadn't agressively pursued an outsource/offshore strategy over the past two years, would it have been broken-up and sold off much earlier? The answer is probably yes. In its 2006 annual report, the bank claimed that Services IT (responsible for group infrastructure and managing the recent offshore/outsourced arrangements) realised its E...
23 April 2007 /retail /wholesale
Hardened Crackberry addicts in the US were forced to go cold turkey last night following an outage at Research in Motion’s network data center in Canada. The sudden blackout left users from Wall Street to Capitol Hill reeling. "I felt like my left arm had been amputated," Joe Shoemaker, communications director for Assistant Senate Democ...
19 April 2007 /retail /wholesale Whatever...
Matt White North America editor at Finextra
The banks certainly seem to be waking up to the potential of going green. In the last couple of days Barclaycard, Fortis and Lloyds have rushed out press releases on the subject. Barclaycard are trumpeting a new green credit card. It is not due to be launched until the summer which is just as well considering they don't seem to have got around to ...
18 April 2007 /retail
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