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Getting on the green bandwagon

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The banks certainly seem to be waking up to the potential of going green.

In the last couple of days Barclaycard, Fortis and Lloyds have rushed out press releases on the subject.

Barclaycard are trumpeting a new green credit card. It is not due to be launched until the summer which is just as well considering they don't seem to have got around to working out exactly how it is environmentally friendly.

Fortis has released a PR about corporate environmental campaigns. It contains research about public attitudes to green issues but the most exciting thing they are actually doing seems to be providing a tool that allows you to calculate your own ecological footprint.

Lloyds TSB has at least announced a genuine green move. Its insurance arm is offering free cover for wind turbines, solar panels and ground source heating pumps.

Unfortunately I fear that any good this may do is undermined by their PR. It cites David Cameron and Jamie Oliver as role models for the green lifestyle – puts me off!


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