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Finextra Community: Playing the numbers game

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Following Chris’s forays into the wild world of statistics this week, I thought I’d regale you with a few numbers of my own.

According to my personal Finextra Community site stats, Finblog (that’s me folks) has so far notched up nearly 15,000 page views in the two months since we’ve been live. It’s a modest figure when set against the 2.5 million+ page views generated every month on Finextra, but it’s a start.

We’ve been running the Community in beta for the past two months with a hard core of hand-picked members. So far, touch wood, there have been no major disasters, and the community itself is beginning to generate some serious discussion and comment.

Much of the interaction between the Finextra public site and the Community site is currently hidden behind the scenes while we’re in beta mode. We’re still tinkering about a bit at the back end, but it won’t be too long before we take the wraps off and open the site up to the global Finextra community at large. So watch this space.

The Finextra Community is much more than just a talking heads shop. It's also a place for networking and sharing experiences with other financial technology professionals worldwide. This aspect of the site will fully come into its own once we move out of beta. For the full run-down, just visit the home page and find out more. 

In the meantime, if you’re itching to join the debate and have your say, simply e-mail us at and we’ll send you a VIP registration form.


This content is provided by an external author without editing by Finextra. It expresses the views and opinions of the author.

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