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Finextra's Best of the Web

Good news for all you news junkies out there. Finextra has introduced a new 'Best of the Web' news feed to sit alongside our regular output of breaking stories from the world of fintech.

Much like our Best of the Web blog feed in the Community section (which aggregates content from 21 leading third party blogs), the new service tracks interesting snippets that cross our radar, but are not necessarily core to our readership.

The current batch of links - handpicked by Finextra editors - include a Bloomberg TV spot on secret 'ideas' (ie "who shall we short today chaps?") dinners held by powerful hedge fund bossses in New York, a sly Doonesbury cartoon charting the progress of a banker from idealistic college grad to bonus-obsessed greed-head, or Vanity Fair's colourful expose of cat-fighting in the House of Lehman.

The feed is tucked away on our home page under the regular Finextra news and company announcement sections.



Comments: (1)

A Finextra member
A Finextra member 10 March, 2010, 10:26Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

Great feature to add "best of the web". The Lehman one was a real catfight.

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