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179 Results from 2017, /retail

Jean-Stephane Gourevitch

Jean-Stephane Gourevitch CEO at Mobile Convergence Ecosystems Ltd.

The devil's alternative: Chinese social credit scoring project or simply social scoring... The Chinese Government social credit score project. Or rather Social Score or mass control. This is both amazing in scope and terrifying. It has all the hallmark of a massively dangerous invasion of privacy and a massive social experiment with the ultimate goa...

/retail Finance 2.0

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Opti-channel: A fleeting fad or a new name for customer-centric banking?

Banks must shift from channel- and transaction-driven approach, to focus on individual customers Financial institutions have been trying to keep up with the ever-changing digital landscape and customer expectations. With retailers at the forefront of creating seamless customer experiences - at every ‘point of contact’ - banks’ distribution channel...


Sarah Jackson

Sarah Jackson Director at Equiniti Credit Services

Turf Wars - Consumer attitudes towards established and alternative lenders

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Challenger banks are doing what their name suggests, and research indicates they are gaining ground. For established lenders, replicating the characteristics of their smaller, more agile competitors, will help them defend their position. Outsourcing is the key, argues Sarah Jackson, Director, E...

/retail Fintech

Matthew Phillips

Matthew Phillips Head of Banking, UK and Ireland at Diebold Nixdorf

Are you talking the same language as your customers?

I bank with one of the UK big five. You probably know it. I use their app, which has all the standard security features you would expect from a modern mobile banking app, for checking my accounts and for moving money around at certain points in the month. Often it’s all quite transactional and rather siloed and if I want to do something a bit more...


Ketharaman Swaminathan

Ketharaman Swaminathan Founder and CEO at GTM360 Marketing Solutions

Cheque - The Unsung Hero Of CashlessIndia

As is widely known, there was a severe cash crunch in India on the back of the demonetization of high value currency notes a year ago. To ease the pain, the government of India made a big push to promote digital payments. Trending under #CashlessIndia, the drive multiplied visibility of preexisting digital payments and led to the launch of several...

/payments /retail

Ben Goldin

Ben Goldin Founder and CEO at Plumery

APIs Are Changing Financial Services

The use of application programming interfaces (APIs) is presenting a world of possibilities to financial institutions. They enable the flow of information between applications and gives institutions the ability to easily access customer data, draw insights and create innovative products tailored to consumer, market and regulatory needs. For partne...

/retail Banking Architecture

Mike Foden

Mike Foden Market Analyst at IBM

How PSD2 will revolutionise Government Stats

The PSD2 countdown clock is well and truly ticking and is now only a couple of months away. It’s not exactly Y2K levels of excitement, but at least no one expects planes to fall from the sky. Naturally, most of the discussion in the run-up has focused on what PSD2 will mean for banking. Whitepapers from the consultancy firms have gone for the FUD...

/ai /retail

Alexandre Neves

Alexandre Neves Manager at Capgemini Financial Services

Brexit, an overview

On 23 June 2016, UK has expressed the democratic will of leaving European Union. The outcome of Brexit referendum initiated the process that terminates the deep and special relationship between UK and EU. This relationship started in 1973, when UK joined the European Economic Community. Now, UK is expected to leave EU by March 2019, two years afte...

/retail Trends in Financial Services

Samee Zafar

Samee Zafar Director at Edgar Dunn Company

New Banks: Being Digital Being Different

Years ago, at a banking conference in New Orleans, I attended a presentation by Michael Porter, the legendary Harvard Business School professor of strategy. Porter was presenting his theory of competitive strategy to a hall full of bankers. Whatever you want to be, he said, be different. A “me too” strategy is no strategy and an un-differentiated ...


Kunal Patel

Kunal Patel Product Manager at 1E

Innovation Labs, Hackathons and Accelerators - Fad or Fab?

There has been a tremendous amount of debate as to whether innovation labs, hackathons or accelerators are indeed a success or just another way to garner public attention. The FinTech world has been awash with a lot of hype over the last 3-4 years but those working at a product/solution level see things very differently. As someone who is heavily ...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

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