136 Results from 2013, /retail
Jim Marous Publisher at The Financial Brand
For the third year in a row, I attended the BAI-FinacleGlobal Banking Innovation Awards ceremony that takes place as part of the BAI Retail Delivery Conference. This year's program, which recognizes innovation excellence in the banking industry, drew more than 200 nominations from institutions based in over 30 countries. The two overriding impress...
23 November 2013 /retail Innovation in Financial Services
Lyndsay Po Business Analyst at Misys
A branch in a box? What would you do if you had a used shipping container? Weird as it may sound it's actually on my wish list – and my hypothetical container will be converted into a fortified shelter in the event of a doomsday scenario (a story better told in a different forum). Some people have actually converted these containers into housing, ...
19 November 2013 /retail
Retired Member
When you've lived and worked in London your whole life you become accustomed to a certain level of convenience. You fall into a trap of thinking every high street in Britain is as similarly equipped as the Strand: a newsagent every 10 feet, a Tesco on every corner and all the banks sitting side-by-side. But anyone with a shred of common sense knows...
18 November 2013 /retail Future Finance
Colin Weir CEO at Moroku
There is no doubting that a bank's commercial enterprise, like any business is to make money and provide returns for shareholders. At the heart of the value proposition is the removal of risk involved in money and its exchange, whether at a retail, business or market level. All of this is fairly standard and has been in force since banks began. Ye...
15 November 2013 /retail
I read a recent article by Richard Dyson on Muzak and retailification of bank branches with great interest. Dyson highlights how some customers can feel alienated by the pace of change in branches. And yet banks are going through a revolution of change and becoming more retail. How can these trends be reconciled? Some banks have sought to create ...
13 November 2013 /retail
According to PEW Research Center, tablet adoption has almost doubled over the past year and for the first time, a third (34%) of American adults currently own a tablet computing device, including almost half (49%) of those in their late thirties and early forties and a majority (56%) of those in higher income households. With this platform becomin...
11 November 2013 /retail
Nick Levy Partner - Financial Services at IBM Consulting
With the growing adoption of smart phones, iPads and video-enabled devices, banks now have the ability to implement new channels, including video, for connecting with their customers. And, with the desire to create powerful emotional connections with the customer, video may just replace the telephone. Telephony service remains a vital way for cust...
05 November 2013 /retail
Kishen Gajjar Management Consultant at Infosys Consulting
The leaders in mobile wallet technology? Undoubtedly retailers. Starbucks and McDonald’s are already building these wallets in response to customer demand. But with mobile wallet use predicted to rise in 2014, should banks or mobile operators—who are better positioned to offer levels of security customers expect—be building them instead? The cha...
My parents ran a small, largely cash business. My mum would make weekly runs to the bank on the bus with a plastic shopping bag of cash, on the understanding that no one bothered to mug a middle aged lady out doing her shopping. She would go to our local bank and see one of the tellers who would help her deposit the week’s takings. Her favourite w...
Dan Barnes Writer at Information Corporation
The news that US financial services firms are beginning to use peer-to-peer or person-to-person (P2P) platforms as a method of reaching borrowers is a bit concerning. More worrying is that P2P loans are being sold on and securitised. Q: What is P2P lending? A: P2P platforms typically bring together individual lenders to invest in loans to individua...
04 November 2013 /regulation /retail Future Finance
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