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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Keep your partnerships positive by understanding how to manage third-party risk

The payment industry has a long tradition of outsourcing, partnering, and collaborating across a wide set of organisations. Many parties are involved each time a customer buys something with a plastic card, pays a bill or sends funds overseas. The wider business world is waking up to the concept of the extended enterprise. This is when several org...

/security /regulation Fintech

Nancy Weir

Nancy Weir Industry Principal at Pegasystems

Will Event Driven Reviews and Perpetual KYC be the 'New Normal' for Financial institutions?

Over the last 15 years the KYC due diligence process has evolved significantly. But as the bar has been raised on compliance globally, the costs and resources needed in the onboarding process and regular KYC reviews have grown exponentially. Financial institutions don’t have much choice in their approach. They either must make upfront investments ...

/regulation /crime Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Yana Afanasieva

Yana Afanasieva Founder & CEO at Competitive Compliance

The Evolution Of Compliance And How To Future-proof It

Every compliance expert who was asked "Where do you see compliance five years from now" in 2015 probably got it wrong. Over the past five years, financial institutions across the globe have made considerable progress in building compliance capabilities. However, the progress has not been uniform. Most of them are still not fully complian...

/regulation Sustainable compliance

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Customer onboarding and KYC processes at traditional banks lag consumer expectations

It’s no secret that the world has moved online at an accelerating pace over the past few months, as digital processes and interactions have rapidly displaced manual ones in every industry, including banking. According to Deloitte, “Even customers who were reluctant to adopt digital interactions have done so out of necessity, gaining some level of ...

/regulation /identity Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Are your low-risk vendors really low risk?

With over half of overall enterprise risks coming from a vendor portfolio, it's no wonder that vendor risk management is entering the spotlight in corporate board rooms. With data breaches, ransomware attacks and supply chain disruptions now the norm, there is an increased interest in finding those high-risk vendors in the portfolio quickly and acc...


Nick Applebee

Nick Applebee Financial Services Consultant at Planixs

Pressure rises for small banks to improve liquidity visibility

Pressure rises for small banks to improve liquidity visibility As financial institutions adapt to the pandemic, business continuity planning (BCP) has emerged as a key area of improvement for banks of all sizes. While small banks have previously had less regulatory pressure to demonstrate liquidity management and stress testing, this fact is now c...

/regulation /covid-19 Treasury Management

Freddie McMahon

Freddie McMahon Director Strategy and Innovation at DF2020 Ltd

Digitised ESG enables broader and transparent corporate governance

Environment, Social and Governance metrics are here to stay. The ESG investment market has surpassed USD 30 trillion. Governance needs better ways to measure corporate behaviour. ESG metrics measure corporate behaviour and sustainability. ESG metrics is a shift from intangibles to tangibles. Achieve holistic governance using ESG and fina...

/regulation /markets Trends in Financial Services

Stefan Pajkovic

Stefan Pajkovic CEO at TradeCore

How fintechs can avoid a spiral of death in the age of COVID-19

On average it takes at least 2 to 3 years for a fintech company to transition from an initial proposition to being market ready, often at the cost of millions of pounds. In the current COVID environment, where it’s more difficult to develop products and prove profitability to investors, many industry commentators are warning of a ‘fintech spiral ...

/regulation Fintech

Andrew Beatty

Andrew Beatty Head of Wealth, Retirement & International at FIS

Banking as a Service: Competition Meets Collaboration in the Age of Value Networks

There was a time when banks knew who their competitors were. For the most part they were other banks and financial services providers. Pretty simple. But with technology taking center stage, fintechs seem well positioned to move even further into the banking space. But are they really? As Hugues Delcourt, Chairman of KNEIP and former CEO of Banque...

/regulation /retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Joris Lochy

Joris Lochy Product Manager at Intix | Co-founder at Capilever

How too much compliance might actually increase the risk of financial service companies?

Following the financial crisis, bank control authorities (like the FCA in the UK or the FSMA in Belgium) and compliance departments within banks have grown exponentially. As a result, regulatory costs have also increased dramatically relative to banks’ earnings. At first sight, this seems indeed the correct reaction, to better control and monitor ...

/regulation Banking Regulations

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