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Dhiraj Sharma

Dhiraj Sharma

Senior Consultant at TCS
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Bio Senior Consultant with TCS Business and Technology advisory group for BFSI industry. My specialization covers Advisory, consulting, and solutions for transformation in cloud and related technologies. Career History Over 20 years of IT industry experience in solutioning, consulting, and advisory roles for global customers in BFSI and Manufacturing industry. Rich experience of working with a wide variety of customers in multiple geographies.


Cloud Banking out of the Box

Hybrid Cloud : Laying the foundation for using public cloud at your data centers

29 Jul 2022

The cloud has become an important part of the banking landscape, with an increasing number of banks migrating to it to reap the benefits. However, neither a private nor a public cloud can fully meet the unique needs of financial institutions. The journey to cloud adoption for banking and insurance service providers cannot be completed unless the c...


Cloud Banking out of the Box

Industry Cloud for financial Services – Fad or Future?

23 Nov 2021

Promises of lower costs, increased scalability, capability to build innovative future digital offerings at rapid pace, enable better customer experiences across the channels and keep up the pace with ever growing customers demands are some of the key driving factors luring a growing number of financial services firms into the digital transformatio...



Lift and Shift Cloud Migration: Strategy Or Anti-Strategy For Enterprises?

02 Sep 2021

Business agility, efficiency, innovation, cost reduction, staying ahead of the competition are some of the compelling reasons for enterprises to go out for the large-scale migrations to the cloud. Enterprises cutting across the industries all over the globe are replacing their existing legacy, on-premises technology with highly flexible, scalable,...