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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Jagdish Udayakumar

Jagdish Udayakumar Senior Product Manager at FIS

The Crisis that helped the launderers!

The Covid crisis has been challenging one for all of us, it has presented with opportunities for both good and bad. The pandemic provided the necessary impetus to drive the Digitalisation agenda within the banking sector, at the same time such a transformational agenda has helped criminals to benefit greatly. The business were directly impacted du...

/regulation /crime Financial Risk Management

Sean Salloux

Sean Salloux CEO at Sentinel Digital

Virtual IBANs Streamline and Simplify B2B Payments

E-commerce and online marketplaces are very much here to stay and they’re growing, fast. However, their success often depends on having an effective payments infrastructure. Taking your business global isn’t as straightforward as setting up an e-commerce site and waiting for orders to come in. To accept payments, you must be compliant with regiona...

/payments /regulation Fintech

Vincent Choi

Vincent Choi CEO and founder at Pomelo Pay

The contactless limit lift could be game changing for hospitality

The UK is finally keeping up on contactless payments. Despite London being a world capital for financial technology, Britain has lagged other nations when it comes to some key elements of frictionless consumer finance. Even the increased limit of £45 for a single contactless payment, which was introduced in April 2020 after the pandemic hit, was lo...

/payments /regulation

Ame Stuart

Ame Stuart VP, Digital Banking and Transformation at Capgemini

Top 6 use cases for AI in banking

I recently reviewed one of the best books written on AI to date, AI Super-Powers, where a brief history of AI is explored across the four waves of evolution experienced over the last few decades. From chess-playing, payments, making friendships, medical diagnoses, and help with investing money, AI continues to play a much broader role across many ...

/regulation /retail

Lynda Kershaw

Lynda Kershaw 

Don’t let legacy application challenges hold back your digital transformation

We all recognize that the pandemic has made digital transformation a more urgent priority for financial services organisations. With employees working from home and many more customers wanting to do business virtually, the pressure to innovate and roll out digital and virtual services to stay ahead of the competition is intense. However, a major b...

/regulation /covid-19 Data Management and Governance

Pete McIntyre

Pete McIntyre Financial Services Director at Planixs

Intraday liquidity regulation: a decade of progress?

September 2008 saw the emblematic moment of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) when Lehman Brothers collapsed. Intraday liquidity was fundamental to this collapse. Correspondent banks were not willing to provide intraday credit lines with Lehman Brothers looking such a bad risk and demanded Lehman either prefund accounts or collateralise the credit...

/regulation Treasury Management

Peter-Jan Van De Venn

Peter-Jan Van De Venn VP Global Digital Banking at Mobiquity

Open banking will only succeed if consumers are 'onboard'

Banking is open for business Open banking is mutually beneficial for banks and consumers. It provides an opportunity for banking providers to retain and grow their customer base, by offering consumers access to better and more targeted financial advice, services and products. Open banking has the potential to generate an accessible and personalise...

/regulation /retail Open Banking

Corinne Jones

Corinne Jones Marketing Manager at Suade Labs

Operational Risk: The Tech Solution

Dr Maximillian Dyck, Paralegal, Suade Labs COVID-19 has brought sound operational risk practices into focus around the world of business. Operational risk is the risk of loss from failures in internal processes. As COVID-19 disrupted our day-to-day lives, businesses closed their offices. Collaboration among employees suddenly became a challenge ...

/regulation /covid-19 Financial Services Regulation

Claus Christensen

Claus Christensen CEO at Know Your Customer

Company Registries, RegTech Innovation and the Future of AML

Humans have been creating companies since ancient times, but business registries did not make an appearance on the global stage until the 19th century. National institutions – keen to tax businesses among the rise of global trade and the advent of the industrial revolution – started introducing official lists of organisations operating in their spe...

/regulation /crime RegTech

Justin Fitzpatrick

Justin Fitzpatrick Co-founder and CEO at DueDil

The growing urgency for proactive customer monitoring in commercial banking

During the middle of last year, Commerzbank AG (London Branch) was slapped with a £37.8 million fine from the FCA for failing to put adequate anti-money laundering systems and controls in place. Commerzbank was aware of the weaknesses in its operations and had failed to take reasonable and effective steps to fix them despite the FCA raising conc

/regulation /crime RegTech

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