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Torben Sauer

Torben Sauer

Chief Executive Officer at Conpend
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Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

How artificial intelligence helped save world trade

09 May 2022

The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic continue to severely disrupt trade. Yet some trade finance banks had the foresight to plan for such an eventuality, utilising capabilities that overcome market-wide limits on documentary trade. As appetite for trade digitalisation grows, Conpend’s CEO, Torben Sauer, explains how banks are increasingly turning t...

Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

How can automation transform trade finance?

30 Nov 2021

Trade finance supports the movement of goods around the world. It is underpinned by a parallel exchange and review of documents, from letters of credit to bills of lading. While some parts of the supply chain have embraced digitalisation, many stakeholders remain reliant on paper-based documentation. A recent International Chamber of Commerce (IC...