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Mike Shafro

Mike Shafro

Chief Executive Officer at xpate
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Core Pressures and Shifting Clouds Disrupt Cross-Border Ecommerce

25 Aug 2022

As digital payments move faster, decades-old core banking platforms are struggling to keep up with the pace of change. With the value of cross-border payments anticipated to hit $250 trillion by 2027, danger looms on the horizon for those institutions and merchants that are still shackled to antiquated systems draining them of time and money. Wh...


Why Complex Cross-Border Payments Need Simple UX Design

25 May 2022

The global ecommerce market for merchants promises so many opportunities, but with such fierce competition and consumers getting more demanding than ever, the challenges of trying to increase cross-border sales are only getting harder. It’s hard enough to drag down the cart abandonment rate for domestic customers, never mind those in other markets...



How High-Risk Merchants Can Clear Compliance Obstacles Effortlessly

31 Jan 2022

The e-commerce eruption of the last 18 months sent shockwaves everywhere, and merchants were suddenly bombarded by an influx of new customers locked down at home. While some consumers turned to Netflix or Spotify to alleviate their boredom, others turned to online gambling. The GameStop short-selling frenzy saw share trading merchants overwhelmed ...


A perfect storm of pressure points: How acquirers can help merchants thrive and survive

31 Jan 2022

The quantum leaps made in payment technology over the past 10 years have transformed every part of the merchant acquiring landscape. Rampant M&A activity, the accelerating shift to ecommerce, and the influx of non-bank fintech players have up-ended tried and trusted business models. One of the pandemic’s biggest shockwaves was to force a wides...