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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Chris Hansen

Chris Hansen Co-Founder at Adoptech Ltd

The March 2022 Operational Resilience Deadline looms. Are you ready?

The recent internet outage caused by a fault with cloud computing service Fastly, which took down thousands of websites in multiple countries, was a painful reminder of the importance of operational resilience. Payment provider PayPal was among the most heavily-used services to be hit, and the failure was reminiscent of TSB’s IT meltdown in 2018 w...

/regulation /cloud Operational Risk Management

Alex Simpson

Alex Simpson Publications at Mansion House Consulting

Why we should be utilising the benefits of ISO 20022

Why we should be utilising the benefits of ISO 20022 Author: Mansion House Consulting Publications ISO 20022 is finally upon us and is set to revolutionise payments and networks. Indeed, as FinExtra reported, 90% of the world’s public and private high-value networks. For the uninitiated, ISO 20022 is an ISO standard for electronic data interchang...

/payments /regulation SWIFT Matters

Cyril Lalo

Cyril Lalo CEO at ellipse Inc.

The rise of the Card Security Code

From remote transaction outlier to most vital card data Over the past 20 years, Card Security Codes (also known as CVC2, CVV2) usage has greatly expanded from confirming genuine cardholders to securing eCommerce transactions, eWallet enrollments, and profile management, to name just a few. The Card Security Code has become the initial verificatio...

/payments /regulation Dynamic Card Security Code, CNP & eCommerce Forum

Doug Gross

Doug Gross CEO at NGDATA

Overcoming the limitations of legacy systems in a microservices era

Today, many banks are united by a common challenge: managing the limitations of their legacy cores and the operational, compliance, and customer personalization pitfalls associated with them. Monolithic legacy cores do not offer the level of functionality that modern banking customers need, especially those favoring digital experiences in a post-p...

/regulation /retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Garima Chaudhary

Garima Chaudhary Head of Fin. Crime Solution Consulting at Oracle

8 Ways Innovative Technologies can Boost AML/CFT Program Effectiveness

The current financial crime compliance management efforts are based on a combination of automated but static analysis of a pre-determined set of risk factors, together with human judgement. Legacy systems are updated with new algorithms and manually inputted information, generating matrixes for risk interpretation and action, but these very rarely...

/regulation /crime Innovation in Financial Services

Anne Plested

Anne Plested Regulation at ION Markets

Dark trading restrictions set to remain on the regulators’ watch lists

The UK Treasury’s Wholesale Markets Review consultation paper devotes some attention to access to liquidity. In Europe, the review of MiFID II is progressing and like rules are also in scope. Tracking upcoming regulatory changes in the UK, alongside those proposed in Europe, focuses on the different treatments offered in each jurisdiction for the ...

/regulation /markets

Jim Steven

Jim Steven Head of Crisis & Breach Response at Experian Consumer Services

How can businesses avoid data breach blind spots?

Data breaches require considerable time and resources to resolve. The damage can be extensive, from financial costs and operational downtime to untold reputational harm, while the shift to remote working has exposed new vulnerabilities too. With such wide-ranging consequences it pays to be prepared but according to latest Experian research, only 19...

/security /regulation Data Management and Governance

Beth Benedict

Beth Benedict SVP of Client Services at Rakuten Advertising

Finance Marketing 101: Understanding the Ins and Outs

Consumer finance is an extremely competitive space. Banks, lenders and credit card providers are battling against one another to win over new and existing customers with tailored reward incentives, flexible spending limits, low APR, etc. In order to succeed, financial institutions turn to data-driven marketing tactics to get in front of consumers ...

/regulation /retail Marketing in Financial Services

Alex Ford

Alex Ford President, North America at Encompass | RegTech Association | Women in RegTech

Perpetual KYC – The journey to a digital operating model

Perpetual KYC or pKYC is an emerging concept in financial crime compliance. It has generated great interest and accelerated digital-first approaches because of the cost and risk benefits on offer if firms can maintain KYC profiles dynamically as new information becomes available. Today KYC is typically undertaken on 1, 3, and 5 year cycles which c...

/regulation /crime Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Responsible Artificial Intelligence for Anti-Money Laundering: How to Address Bias

Introduction The eager and rapid adoption of artificial intelligence (A.I.) by financial institutions (F.I.s) may surprise those outside this otherwise cautious industry. However, the industry consensus is clear that intelligent technologies such as A.I. are major factors in the race to differentiate and establish market share. For example, a surv...

/regulation /crime Innovation in Financial Services

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