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2022 (2)
Jonathan Wood

Jonathan Wood

CEO at C2 Cyber
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Sustainable compliance

Harnessing technology to drive ESG compliance in advance of new SFDR regulation

02 Mar 2022

High-profile scandals, such as the regulatory investigation into whether the DWS Group misled clients about sustainable investing, and Fundsmith being stripped of its ethical rating due to mis-selling, has raised concerns that some ESG funds are misleading. However, despite these headlines, a key challenge many investment firms face is sourcing r...

Banking Regulations

How to strengthen your supply chain security to comply with new PRA regulation

23 Feb 2022

Banks are on high alert for cyber attacks. The European Central Bank recently told them to prepare for possible Russian-sponsored cyber attacks as tensions with Ukraine increase. This follows a surge in ransomware attacks on banks, which rose 1,318% year on year in the first half of 2021, according to a report by Trend Micro. Further research by...