New York
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2022 (3)
Shane Rodgers

Shane Rodgers

CEO at PDX Coin
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Crypto Payments: Let’s move from Steampunk to Star Trek

11 May 2022

The Wild Wild West was a 1960s espionage show that took place in the 1890s. Its creative director was a master at imagining fantastical machines. The contraptions were futuristic in a retro way, built with massive girders of heavy metal, fastened together with huge nuts and bolts, powered by wheezing steam engines, and they clanked and ground the...

Cryptocurrency Insights

Crypto Adoption Won’t Grow Until the Cowboys Go Home and the Industry Grows Up

15 Mar 2022

The crypto market is shooting itself in the foot. Every day, millions of investors interact in good faith with crypto exchanges and market tracking sites but are stymied and even abused by those very same organizations who take their money. Unreliable data, usurious fees, and poor service have resulted in investor distrust and cynicism. But there ...


Will the SEC Suffocate Crypto in the Crib?

04 Mar 2022

Recently the SEC issued a nearly 700-page plan that proposes re-defining Alternative Trading Systems (ATS). SEC commissioner Hester Peirce has called the plan “a Trojan Horse” aimed at driving out the crypto exchanges and decentralized finance communities. At the same time the White House is expected to issue a memorandum on crypto’s potential th...