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4138 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

FCA Brexit consultation offers alternative to noisy political debate

You might be excused for thinking that given the remaining Brexit uncertainty, contingency planning is something for policy wonks and lawyers. But this oversimplifies the situation, in particular since the FCA published two consultations on Brexit last week offering an unsentimental and technical analysis. The regulator provides some detailed guid...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

PSD2 - A New Open Banking Payment Ecosystem

Revise Payment Service Directive (PSD2) is a new regulation provided by EU Directive, administered by the European Commission (Directorate General Internal Market) to regulate payment services and payment service providers throughout the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA). PSD2 provided enormous opportunities to Banks, Customer...

/regulation Banking Regulations

Breana Patel

Breana Patel CEO | Thought leader in Bank Risk & Regulations at Bonova Advisory | Risk &Regulatory Advisory

Crypto Firms Excel in Technical Expertise But Have Little Understanding of Risk

Crypto Firms have great technologies that address a lot of challenges and open up an entire new world of doing business. In conversation with CoinFi's CEO Timothy Tan about how regulations and risk management will be a competitive advantage for crypto firms. Thank you so much for doing this with us! Can you tell us the story of how you got invo...

/regulation Digital Asset Class (DAC)

Matt Smith

Matt Smith CEO at SteelEye

The compliance revolution... How RegTech is changing the face of regulation

Seismic regulatory changes have been sweeping the financial services sector since the crisis in 2008. Banking and finance in general have moved decisively in favour of stronger regulation, and a number of landmark directives such as Dodd-Frank, Basel III, EMIR and the second Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) have been introduce...

/regulation Innovation in Financial Services

Michael Kerman

Michael Kerman Marketing Executive at Self-Employed

Eight Reasons Why Search Engines Are Not Due Diligence

Search engines are free, easy to use and powerful. Could you use them to run a KYC/AML screening program? You could - but in the end, it will expose you to significantly more cost and risk than opting for a purpose-build solution. Here are eight reasons why. 1. Data from Search Engines is Unstructured Search engines return stories and URL links...

/ai /regulation Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Jason Bell

Jason Bell Regional Sales Director, FS&I at ServiceNow

GDPR, now that was a day to remember

May 25 May 25 2018 saw the official birth of GDPR. It will long be remembered as the day from which organisations handling or processing personal data belonging to EU citizens became accountable, fine-able, and responsible, in ways that had never before been quite so stringent. Now we can watch and wait to see who breaks the rules. Salutary lesso...

/security /regulation Digital Banking Trends

Marcus Bateman

Marcus Bateman Senior Product Manager - UK Products at Form3 Financial Cloud

Will every UK financial institution receiving payments require its own Sort Code by July 2019?

[Update 29th October 2018 - I have been asked to clarify that phase 2 of Confirmation of Payee (CoP) will include support for individual collection accounts for financial institutions without the need for a separate sort code.] Will every UK financial institution receiving payments require its own Sort Code by July 2019, as a consequence of t

/payments /regulation Open Banking

John Doxaras

John Doxaras CEO at Warply

Financial regulators as fintech catalysts

Fintech companies are struggling with the friction of compliance, while at the same time they try to deal with risk-averse regulatory bodies in every part of the world. Practically all* fintech series A decks include a fund allocation strategy on establishing an internal compliance department in order to acquire a license in one or more parts of t...


Brandon Li

Brandon Li Product Manager at Austreme

Brand Protection: Combating Online Counterfeit with AI

Online sales of branded and luxury items have been rising drastically, in the recent decade. While all the brands are investing big money on establishing online stores, organizing marketing campaigns and doing all the operation enhancements, on the other hand, the online counterfeit sellers are taking a free ride on brand owners’ effort and inv

/ai /regulation Financial Services Regulation

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

Blockchain versus GDPR and who should adjust most

It has now been more than four months since the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter GDPR) came into effect. This regulation aims to strengthen privacy and personal data protection in the EU, by giving private persons more control over their personal data. But it also offer a uniform set of regulations for businesses with ...

/regulation Blockchain Observations

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