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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Barley Laing

Barley Laing UK Managing Director at Melissa

Think compliance is expensive? In the age of open banking, it’s your smartest investment

In an increasingly competitive mobile-first world, it’s time for banks to be ethical with the data customers entrust to them – obeying relevant rules and regulations, as well as leading the way in delivering best practices in customer service and convenience. Otherwise, customers will vote with their feet and take their business to those financial...

/regulation Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Incumbent banks could actually benefit from PSD2's SCA

Usually when a new regulation comes in, its goal is to make things more secure, more private, or more inclusive, but often, at the expense of the service provider or convenient ways of working. For once, we may see a regulation that comes in and everyone wins. The second payment services directive, PSD2, has a new requirement deadline coming in Se...

/regulation Banking Regulations

Iain McDougall

Iain McDougall UK & Ireland Country Manager at Stripe

Thought GDPR was complex? Get ready for SCA!

Europe is bracing itself for a big shake-up in how we pay for things online, which will have significant consequences for businesses across the region. Similar to how GDPR hugely impacted how millions of organizations handle personal data when it was enforced last year, Strong Customer Authentication (or SCA) will have profound implications for ho...

/payments /regulation Fintech

Pankaj Upadhyaya

Pankaj Upadhyaya Vice President - Data Science, BI & Analytics at Maveric Systems

Data Analytics in Mergers and Acquisitions

Globally, banking M&A market is showing signs of improvement with 41 percent of companies intending to pursue acquisitions. The value of M&A deals in the Middle East region jumped to $33.7 billion last year, the highest level since 2007 as per Bloomberg research. While in the European market, M&As have stagnated with changing regulator...

/regulation Digital Banking Trends

Evgeny Likhoded

Evgeny Likhoded CEO & Founder at ClauseMatch

AI in Compliance: the last but most urgently needed digital transformation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the latest technology to permeate the fast-moving financial sector, finding applications in everything from trading and fraud detection to credit risk evaluation and marketing. The widespread deployment of AI within financial services organisations stands to unlock an additional $1.2 trillion in value by 2035 accord...

/ai /regulation Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Why Every Trade Participants need to be familiar with Regulatory Reporting

The evolving requirements of ESMA and Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) persuade Reporting Entities to strategize the reporting structure of a trade. Since MiFID II implementation, it is aiming at increasing investor protection by creating a more efficient, risk-aware and transparent market for investment services and activities. This regulatory init...

/regulation MiFID

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Battle for correspondent bank accounts: 4 scenarios

Today, a well-established correspondent network is a major strength for many banks and payment services. If earlier the client’s choice and demand for services were driven by the size of the advertising budget, right now the issues of financial logistics are in the forefront: how the client money will be transferred to different countries and regi...

/regulation /startups Fintech

Lisa Gutu

Lisa Gutu VP of Sales at Yapily

The eIDAS Challenge for TPPs under PSD2

PSD2 requires that Account Servicing Payment Service Providers (ASPSPs) shall design their channels in such a way so that Third Party Providers (TPPs) are able to identify themselves when accessing these channels. The ASPSP shall be able to recognize that it is a particular regulated TPP accessing the account and not the end-user himself. Article ...

/regulation Open Banking

Tautvydas Medziukevicius

Tautvydas Medziukevicius Legal Counsel at Swiipe

Strong Consumer Authentication - a project for the banks?

The Second Payments Services Directive (PSD2) is opening many doors for small companies in a bank-dominated industry. With the new rules some of the competences are transferred from the banks to the hands of the consumers. Consumers have the authority, through consent, to allow smaller companies to use consumers’ bank accounts to provide unique se...

/regulation /startups Open Banking

Freddie McMahon

Freddie McMahon Director Strategy and Innovation at DF2020 Ltd

When are we going to rethink how regulations are applied in practice?

By Regulation we mean national law and its extensions such as defined by Regulators and Standards, and the way its applied in practice through Policies and Procedures. The problem is compounded through International Trade and Operations, which covers Regulations from multiple jurisdictions. An annual CEO survey has identified regulation overload a...

/regulation Finextra site news

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