Finance is very much a data business with financial firms critically dependent on good information. They need fast access to comprehensive data, which provides them with insight in order to provide services and compete effectively. As a result, firms have been making significant investments in new technologies to improve their analysis and store l...
02 June 2020 Banking Regulations
With the benefit of hindsight, it seems crazy that in this day and age each broker-dealer has an army of staff manually keying in the same trading enablement information across multiple OTC markets.
Defining FIX messages to carry the trading relationships is the obvious way to go, given that the trading messages themselves are mostly FIX.
26 Mar 2013 11:18 Read comment
Hani Al MaskatiManaging Partner at Cash Management Matters
Andrew KasaijaManaging Partner at Positrust, LLC
Venkatesh SubramanianManaging Partner at Unique Value Networks
Reuben MifsudManaging Partner at Tasika
Prashant JajodiaManaging Partner at IBM
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