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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Chris Holmes

Chris Holmes Senior Vice President at KAE Consulting

Status Check: Real-Time Payments in the US

During the past months, the Federal Reserve’s Faster Payments Task Force has made huge steps towards the implementation of a faster payments / real-time payments system in the US. As a result, the Fed’s RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement) system is said to be ready to launch in 2020. Immediate loan availability, mobile payments, real-time invoicing ...

/payments /regulation Financial Services Regulation

Dmitrii Barbasura

Dmitrii Barbasura Chief Operating Officer at Fintech Galaxy

TPP identification challenge for ASPSP under PSD2

According to PSD2, the financial institutions that act as ASPSPs should have in place at least one interface for regulated TPPs (including other ASPSPs that act as TPPs) for identification and secure communication. Identifying themselves is mandatory for all TPPs that wish to get access to ASPSP’s sandbox, live API, and/or non-dedicated interface ...

/regulation Banking Regulations

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Compromising on trading obligation

Today ESMA changed their mind on the share trading obligation (STO) in the event of a No-Deal Brexit. Under their new approach, any ISIN with the GB country code is now out of scope. Obviously, this change reduces the number of ISINs where EU buy-sides are forced to trade at home. Most importantly, among those instruments no longer subject to the ...

/regulation MiFID

Anjani Kumar

Anjani Kumar Principal Consultant - FS Risk & Compliance at Infosys Limited

Why there is need for Holistic Trade Surveillance?

If we think trade abuse and market manipulation is generally passé and that financial institutions (FIs) should no longer worry about rogue trading activities such as those perpetrated in the past by the likes of Nick Leeson, Jérôme Kerviel, Toshihide Iguchi, John Rusnak and Yasuo Hamanaka, we need to think again! The reality is that still today r...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Transparent and controlled AI-powered client lifecycle management & KYC

Artificial intelligence (AI) is being used throughout digital transformation initiatives and is changing how banks perform client on-boarding, anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) compliance. Additionally, for the purposes of anti-money laundering, artificial intelligence systems can mine large amounts of transaction data and i...

/ai /regulation Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Open banking: Innovating identity to fight against fraud

The arrival of e-commerce and digital banking has been revolutionary for both financial services firms and customers alike. We have saved not only time, but also money as new marketplaces and low-asset business models have thrived on the flexibility afforded by open banking. Never before have we had better control over our money and financial serv...

/regulation Fintech

Ketharaman Swaminathan

Ketharaman Swaminathan Founder and CEO at GTM360 Marketing Solutions

Blockchain - Calling BS On Decentralization And Resilience

Since I wrote Flight Delay Insurance – Why Blockchain?, I've come across several updates that have reinforced my skeptical views around the claim of decentralization and raised new doubts about the touted advantage of resilience. UPDATE #1: Let me take the following observation in my original post: Data is distributed across multiple nodes, so the...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Under the Hood of Screen Scraping

Financial institutions, which are preparing to meet Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) of Open Banking, are currently facing a shortage of live Open APIs. For any bank that wishes to get ready for the Open Banking era, the only viable choice is using account aggregators, many of whom provide solutions based on “screen scraping”. What is screen s...


Jackie Barwell

Jackie Barwell Director at ACI Worldwide

How knowledge of your customers can help fight fraud

The eCommerce industry is continuing its rapid growth and the lines between physical and digital shopping are becoming increasingly blurred. This change in the way consumers conduct purchases is creating a number of challenges for merchants, especially when it comes to customer visibility and fraud prevention. Providing a good customer experience...

/security /regulation Transaction Fraud Systems and Analysis

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Current State of Auto Insurance the US

The US has more than 250 million drivers today and we are curious about how car insurance is impacting them. Are they paying more in the recent years or less and how technology has been able to change (or not) the impacted rates. Consumers need to be educated and informed about auto insurance. They need to be given all data which determines the rat...


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