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Anjani Kumar

Anjani Kumar

Principal Consultant - FS Risk & Compliance at Infosys Limited
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Bio Anjani has over 20 years of comprehensive IT, domain and process consulting experience. Over the years, he has provided consulting services and has managed many large and critical IT engagements for numerous key clients in the financial services industry. He is an accomplished thought leader.


Financial Risk Management

Managing Climate Change Risks: Key Actions for Financial Institutions

16 Apr 2020

“Every company, investor, & bank that screens new & existing investments for climate risk is simply being pragmatic” - Jim Yong Kim (Former President, World Bank) As per Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) findings from a 2018 survey of UK banking sector, even as 70% of the banks acknowledged that climate change present financial risks, ...


Financial Risk Management

Why financial institutions must heed the climate change risks?

16 Mar 2020

"If you really think that the environment is less important than the economy, try holding your breath while you count your money." – Dr. Guy R. McPherson (award-winning scientist, professor emeritus at University of Arizona, and world’s leading authority on climate change) Climate change has become the key global challenge of our times, ...


Trends in Financial Services

Key Ingredients for Implementing Successful Holistic Trade Surveillance

19 Jun 2019

In an earlier article, I had explained why there is a need for financial institutions (FIs) to implement holistic trade surveillance. However, implementing it is easier said than done. FIs need to think strategically and take note of certain key ingredients in order to make their holistic trade surveillance implementation a success. What is holi...


Why there is need for Holistic Trade Surveillance?

27 May 2019

If we think trade abuse and market manipulation is generally passé and that financial institutions (FIs) should no longer worry about rogue trading activities such as those perpetrated in the past by the likes of Nick Leeson, Jérôme Kerviel, Toshihide Iguchi, John Rusnak and Yasuo Hamanaka, we need to think again! The reality is that still today r...