211 Results from 2021, /regulation
Kartik Swaminathan Author - 3F: Future Fintech Framework & Founder at Fintastech (Fintech Consulting & Coaching)
With so much happening in Fintech regulators have a challenge at hand. We have in recent past seen many regulatory actions in India and am sure there are many taking place globally too. Highlighting some as below: - - Curbs on UPI driven lending innovations like Bullet, Lazypay etc. as regulators felt they are more like Overdrafts rather than pa...
28 July 2021 /regulation Innovation in Financial Services
Jens Bader CEO at Funanga AG
SEPA is a European role model in payments harmonisation. It started as the logical next step after the introduction of the Euro as a single currency, and has already standardised Euro payments across borders and simplified payments via bank transfer, direct debit and debit card. Completing this mission has been a fantastic achievement unlike anyth...
28 July 2021 /payments /regulation SEPA and European Payments
Konstantin Rabin Head of Marketing at Kontomatik
In today’s world, where a bunch of transactions are made online with just one click, there are high risks of being involved in scams. Although it is true that a lot of companies ensure the security of your transactions, there are always chances of losing your funds easily. In order to discuss these things in more detail, let’s first define some th...
27 July 2021 /regulation /crime
Mark Demo Head of Community Development at AcadiaSoft
Vast improvements in technology allow firms to manage collateral more seamlessly than ever before. Technology facilitates automation, while automation facilitates speed, scale, accuracy and straight-through-processing (STP). And this trend is showing no signs of stopping. Firms now have access to highly automated collateral management that helps t...
26 July 2021 /regulation /wholesale
Chris Jenkins Managing Director at TORA
Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) is an essential requirement for buy side firms today, to satisfy regulatory requirements around best execution, to optimise costs, manage risks and to improve trading performance and execution quality. So what are some of the challenges associated with TCA across different asset classes, and how can firms address th...
16 July 2021 /regulation /markets
Jim Steven Head of Crisis & Breach Response at Experian Consumer Services
The risk of a data breach is an ever-present challenge for businesses across the world. With more transactions between business and customer now carried out digitally than ever before, the currency of data – and its safe-keeping – has never been more critical. As discussed in my previous Finextra blog, there are a number of things organisations ca...
16 July 2021 /security /regulation Big Data
Anna Monteiro Global Head of Business and Product Development at www.solutions-atlantic.com
Just coming up for some air, having had a busy first half to 2021 and realizing that my update on foreign direct investment is long overdue. Let’s not waste any time because there’s plenty to report since my end of year 2020 roundup. Early in the year, Germany issued a consultation to amend its FDI regime and made the following effective 1 May 20...
14 July 2021 /regulation /markets Financial Services Regulation
Retired Member
ESG disclosure is rising higher up the priority list for shareholders, customers, politicians, and regulators. Even so, many businesses continue to underestimate its importance, as well as the impact it could have on their operations. More ESG regulations are on their way and firms would do well to pay attention… Naming and shaming Multiple st
13 July 2021 /regulation
John Bertrand MD at Tec 8 Limited
Sending money to non-enabled CoP bank accounts could have an adverse effect on your bank balance. A well-advised approach before paying someone with any bank that is not using Confirmation of Payee (CoP) should use a credit card. Bank accounts are only covered by a voluntary reimbursement code signed by 12 banks. These banks on average reimbursed ...
13 July 2021 /payments /regulation Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Matt Beattie Managing Director at Beyond
Many organisations continue to wrestle with the challenge of delivering a fast and efficient client onboarding (& review) approach while ensuring compliance with the various KYC/AML rules. Ultimately, the goal for every Financial Institution is to optimise this balance and gain the associated competitive advantage, with the added benefit of a ...
12 July 2021 /regulation /crime Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
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