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842 Results from /inclusion

Manoj Kheerbat

Manoj Kheerbat Founder and CEO at Gropay

Is the future of payments happening in India now?

Is the future of payments happening in India now? Forget cards, forget smartphones, in India it’s possible for a consumer to authorise and authenticate a payment with their fingerprint. Is this the future of payments? India ban on high denomination cash The recent ban on cash in India received a lot of press as the Indian government banned high ...

/payments /inclusion Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Freddie McMahon

Freddie McMahon Director Strategy and Innovation at DF2020 Ltd


At a recent Microsoft UK, Local Government Partner event, there was some excellent insight on the Digital Agile Aging Market. The key note speaker Ian Spero, Founder of the Agile Aging Alliance, recently published a paper called ‘Neighbourhoods of the Future” in collaboration with McCarthy & Stone. The purpose of the report was to connect dig...

/regulation /inclusion Futuristic Banking

Retired Member

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Using Fingerprints to Bank the Unbanked

Our identity proves more than just who we are – it is also our key to obtain access to financial services, government benefit programs, healthcare, and other services. Access to these services are crucial for anyone but can be especially beneficial to low-income individuals seeking assistance. However, these individuals (especially those in develo...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Guide to implementation of client suitability and appropriateness framework for MiFID II

Introduction The genesis of the Client suitability and appropriateness framework lies in Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) regulation. MiFID II is scheduled to be implemented in January 2018. The aim of MiFID II is to increase efficiency and transparency in the European financial markets and to increase protection for investor...

/regulation /inclusion MiFID

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The evolution of cash

For years we’ve been reading stories about the imminent death of old-fashioned notes and coins and how we’re all going to be spending money via digital wallets and smartphones as hard currency becomes obsolete. But while pundits claim we will see a cashless society by 2020, in today’s world, cash is still king, particularly in the US where it has...


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Volcker rule and the recent updates

Volcker Rule is a federal regulation that restricts banks from making speculative investments with their own customers’ accounts. The rule was proposed by former US Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker as part of section 619 of Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act to avoid financial stability similar. The decision for taken t...

/regulation /inclusion

Retired Member

Retired Member 

How Mobility is transforming the Lending Sector

If someone told us a decade ago, how mobility is gonna make sweeping changes in every aspect of our life, we would have scoffed. But look at us today, mobile phone and technology have become an integral part of our life from manufacturing to checkout lanes at supermarkets, no sector has been left untouched by the innovation in mobile technology. L...

/inclusion Financial Inclusion

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The Millennial Investor

I have heard many commentators state that the millennial investor is a rare breed. They are too focused on the here and now to worry about investing to grow their wealth for the future. Five years ago I could understand this view point but the tide has now significantly changed. This is driven by two key factors as far as I can see it: The older ...

/inclusion Trends in Financial Services

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Why the banking model could break the UK economy. Part One.

25 JUL 2017 Disclaimers: I am not a disinterested commentator. At my company, we compete with the model of the banks. We are not anti-borrowing. People need to borrow to fund all sorts of things in their lives. Credit is useful and often a force for good. In moderation. I am pro-bank. Without the banks, there could be no economy, no prosperity, no...

/retail /inclusion Fintech innovation and startups

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Is P2P lending really a threat to NBFCs?

P2P lending is a relatively new kid on the block of alternative lending. Though the industry is still in a nascent stage, the p2p platforms have managed to cause their fair share of disruptions. Are these tech savvy trendsetters really a threat to the traditional lending tycoons such as NBFCs, and MFIs? Well, let's find out! What is P2P lending? ...

/inclusion Fintech

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