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842 Results from /inclusion

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Changing the Payment Card Monopoly: What Does it Take?

“Do you take plastic?” There was a time when consumers where asking that question in Retail outlets around the world. Nowadays, the ability to pay for goods and services with a debit or credit card is so commonplace that consumers simply assume that card acceptance is available virtually everywhere. It wasn’t always like this but several decades o...

/payments /inclusion Fintech

Gregg Early

Gregg Early Director of Market Engagement at Moven

Keep People at the Center of Your Data

A number of years ago, I wrote a blog regarding an interesting factoid I stumbled upon. It has to do with economist Charles Goodhart and his idea known as Goodhart’s Law: When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure. Over the years, as the fintech space and quite frankly the tech space in general has expanded, I keep coming back ...

/retail /inclusion Digital Bank Transformation

Maria Schuld

Maria Schuld Head of Regional and Community Banking at FIS

Collaboration creates successful digital strategies

According to the BAI Outlook report, the greatest business challenges for bankers in 2022 is improving the digital experience and new customer acquisition. Only 9% of bankers describe their digital customer experience as excellent. Community banks face a dilemma: invest in digital innovation or focus on the personalized service that serves as their...

/retail /inclusion Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Arjeh Van Oijen

Arjeh Van Oijen Head of Product Management at Icon Solutions

The benefits of using DLT for digital currencies

Central banks across the globe are exploring and testing Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) to provision Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC). In this blog, Arjeh van Oijen, Head of Product Management, and Atul Verma, Senior Payments Architect at Icon Solutions, explore how DLT overcomes the restrictions of existing financial infrastructures, t...

/payments /inclusion Cryptocurrency Insights

Brad Goodall

Brad Goodall CEO at BANKED

How are payments are being used as a force for good

More than ever before, innovative payment methods are being used as a force for positive social change, especially as charities recover from shortfalls experienced during the pandemic. UK charities suffered greatly over recent years, especially at the start of the lockdown in 2020: 40% of charities were forced to dip into reserves at the height o...

/payments /inclusion Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Jairo Riveros

Jairo Riveros Managing Director of the United States and LatAm at Paysend

Setting Yourself Up for Financial Success in 2022

Propelled by the pandemic, consumer demand for digital financial services has begun to soar. With stores shutting down across the country and consumers forced to buy online, many businesses and consumers switched to contactless methods of payments over the last couple of years. Many financial services took this opportunity to begin implementing di...

/payments /inclusion Frictionless Payments

Konstantin Rabin

Konstantin Rabin Head of Marketing at Kontomatik

How Does SEO For Fintech Work? - Things To Consider

Competition and rapid change characterize the fintech sector. To succeed in the financial market, a new company must be able to distinguish itself from the established players and maintain an advantage over them. Using SEO and digital marketing approaches that may effectively promote a brand, widen a client base, and build consumer confidence, a ne...

/startups /inclusion

Retired Member

Retired Member 

A greener cloud: the importance of sustainable technologies

The ever-present risks from climate change have made sustainability a key topic for financial institutions. Companies have historically driven financial, security, and agility benefits through the cloud, but there is also clear ESG benefits to taking a cloud-first approach. During a recent panel discussion with colleagues, and with Microsoft’s EME...

/sustainable /inclusion Innovation in Financial Services

Tatsiana Kuchminskaya

Tatsiana Kuchminskaya Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at Andersen

Peculiarities of International Money Transfer App Development

Online banking has changed the model of customer interaction with financial institutions. The American Bankers Association has found that people are more likely to manage money through smartphones (39%). 32% of consumers access online banking from a laptop or a PC. Only 10% of clients prefer to conduct transactions in a bank branch. A similar situ...

/startups /inclusion Fintech innovation and startups

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Addressing the gender gap in functional roles in Europe

While gender representation has certainly seen an overall improvement in the world of work over the past few years, the question remains whether it has had an impact in business leadership yet. Recent data shows that across the FTSE 100, there are three times more female employees today compared to ten years ago, up from 12.5% to 39.1% over the

/people /inclusion Women in Technology

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