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Our sacred mission

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Our sacred trust infrastructure mission the incoming autumn will be to:

1. Make it crystal clear to all organisations (especially the in the public and SMEsectors) and most citizens how immensely services at home and at work, productivity, risk management, privacy and the EU single market can be enhanced when all parties (and many things) will get general purpose and automatically interoperable identity applications (EUDIwallets - AKA fact wallets).

2. Make sure that all governments:

(i) see the 3-6% GDP-increase potential 

(ii) adopt the GDPR art 20 supported MyData principles

(iii) take life event based service design as the starting point and commit themselves to delivering the public sector data via interoperable EUDIwallets 

(iv) adopt the Self-Sovereign Identity and Trust over IP architecture

(v) locate the most important concrete use cases. As adoption lever the proof of purchase credential (AKA e-receipt) will be in its own volume class. Also as a business case. 

(vi) include the migration to the trust infrastructure in all impact assessment in legislation and public sector IT-projects

(vii) work hand in hand with the private sector (the skills are there). The finance sector's contribution is critically important

(viii) support the work in the Sweden&Finland led EWC consortium in Europe


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