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842 Results from /inclusion

Helghardt Avenant

Helghardt Avenant CEO at Rehive

Innovation inclusion is a key building block to financial inclusion

In many ways, technology makes the world go round, not money. It is hard to imagine life without cars, planes, instant messaging, video streaming, and even social media. As we have seen in history, new inventions and technology are powerful growth multipliers for societies and set some apart from others. Times have changed and in the modern age of...

/retail /inclusion Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Gregg Early

Gregg Early Director of Market Engagement at Moven

Lessons for Developed Market Fintechs – and Banks - in Emerging Markets

In about two generations, China has transformed from a largely agrarian country to the second largest economy in the world. That means Zoomers and millennials don’t even remember the “old” China. The speed that this transformation of the world’s most populous country happened is staggering. In the West, it has taken nearly a century to transition f...

/retail /inclusion Fintech

Colin Grieves

Colin Grieves Managing Director Marketing Services at Experian

How data analysis is key to understanding rising living costs

The ability to analyse and use the relevant data, in the right way, and in real time, is the key to harnessing the true value that data holds. Data analysis can play a crucial role in helping us respond to long-standing and emerging challenges – providing valuable new insight and helping deliver better outcomes. Data helps many businesses and orga...

/inclusion Financial Inclusion

Helen Child

Helen Child Founder at Open Banking Excellence

Building a better world through Open Finance relies on closer collaboration

We’re living in an era of crisis. The world is experiencing extreme geopolitical turmoil, soaring inflation, and continued post-pandemic supply chain problems. In the UK, we’re teetering on the brink of the first inflationary recession in 50 years and millions are facing the choice of heating or eating. The markets appear firmly in control of fis...

/inclusion Open Banking

Artem Grigor

Artem Grigor Sales Engineer at R3

Next-Generation Credit Scoring

What is Credit Scoring Everyone will face Credit Scoring in their life, even if they never have to take out a loan. Credit Scoring originally came out of the need for banks and other lenders, to assess how likely customers are going to repay them. To simplify their internal processes and be leaner, they outsourced this task to credit scoring co...

/retail /inclusion Digital Bank Transformation

Brad Goodall

Brad Goodall CEO at BANKED

How to combat the rise of fraud during a recession

The brutal combination of high energy prices, high inflation, soaring interest rates, and global economic weakness has made the UK economy ripe for a recession until the middle of next year, according to a recent analysis by EY. Where’s there a recession - there’s also a rise in online crime. Not only do merchants have to be wary, but also consume...

/payments /inclusion Embedded Finance

Vladimir Kuiantsev

Vladimir Kuiantsev Managing Partner at AKURATECO

How Open Banking Technology can Improve your Revenue

Open banking is a relatively new and revolutionary technology that is transforming the world of payments right now, becoming increasingly popular. Besides, open banking is definitely there for the long run, so financial service providers should integrate its technologies into their business models. This article explains what open banking is, wha

/payments /inclusion Open Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The key ingredients for excellent product management

At the heart of every business is a product. It might sometimes be positioned as a service, but even firms selling only consultancy time have a proposition that’s dressed up as a buyable, differentiated package. This makes product management a significant, strategic role in any organisation. And for software vendors that put products at the heart o...

/people /inclusion

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Consumer Duty: the golden opportunity to make UK financial services work for immigrants?

A quiet revolution has been taking place at the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). It’s called Consumer Duty. In a campaign to become (in its own words) more ‘assertive and data-led’, the UK regulator has launched Consumer Duty - a set of rules and principles that 60,000 UK financial services companies will be required to follow to ‘fundamentally ...

/regulation /inclusion Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Dmytro Spilka

Dmytro Spilka Director and Founder at Solvid, Coinprompter

How the Next Generation of the Internet will Enhance Open Banking Solutions from Fintechs

Although many of us cast our mind to the vast social media applications of the metaverse, this new technological landscape extends far beyond the realm of socializing and entertainment and into more traditional sectors. The growth of virtual and augmented reality have enabled the buying and selling of goods in virtual environments, revolutionizin...

/inclusion /markets

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