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Vladimir Kuiantsev

Vladimir Kuiantsev

Managing Partner at AKURATECO
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Open Banking

How Open Banking Technology can Improve your Revenue

24 Oct 2022

Open banking is a relatively new and revolutionary technology that is transforming the world of payments right now, becoming increasingly popular. Besides, open banking is definitely there for the long run, so financial service providers should integrate its technologies into their business models. This article explains what open banking is, wha


Fintech innovation and startups

Top 7 reasons to switch from your own payment gateway to a white-label solution

16 Aug 2022

The Fintech industry is booming. The complexity of payment processes has increased dramatically within the last decade. ApplePay, GooglePay, 3DS 2.0, tokenization, crypto-payments, QR-code payments, and plenty of other flows and features are currently highly demanded in different parts of the world. Moreover, new features and payment methods are c...

Innovation in Financial Services

MVP of the white label payment gateway: nice to have and must have features

30 Nov 2021

So, you’ve decided to build your own payment platform. It doesn’t seem too difficult. After all, the market is packed with payment service providers who once tried building it and are now boasting of their top-of-the-industry payment systems. However, even though you might think that the process isn’t that difficult, as you step on this path and ge...

Fintech innovation and startups

Migrating a Payments Orchestration Platform to the Cloud: Why and Is It Worth it?

10 Sep 2021

Our company developed a payments orchestration platform. In this article, we shared our experience of moving to cloud microservice architecture and pointed out the practical benefits of this approach. This guide should be of great interest to junior DevOps looking for a basic understanding of complex stand-alone cloud-based systems and seasoned F...