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267 Results from /devops

Vasyl Soloshchuk

Vasyl Soloshchuk CEO at INSART, WealthTech Club

Research: You spend 50 percent extra time and money if your development vendor isn't into fintech

You’d think by now fintech companies must have a clue about finding the right software development vendor, but as it turns out many of them still don’t. Over the years of working in this industry, we've talked to numerous companies to find out what the main pitfalls of outsourcing in fintech are. The main takeaway is that the lack of domain expert...

/devops High performing teams

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How collaboration in the cloud can help banks innovate

One of the biggest problems banks face today is innovating the new services and products expected by their customers. In the digital age, which is dominated by the likes of Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon (GAFA), consumers demand convenience in all aspects of their lives, so the imperative to innovate has never been so pressing. Unfortunately f...

/devops Innovation in Financial Services

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API: Arrays or named elements?

The humble restaurant menu follows a common pattern where menu items are generally separated into a logical hierarchy. At the top level, we may have breakfast items, dinner items or drinks items. Each of these could be grouped further into categories like meat dishes, fish dishes or pasta dishes (dinner items), and again into burgers and steaks (m...

/devops API

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DDD: what aisle is your attribute in?

During a Domain Driven Design (DDD) workshop this week, one of my colleagues very cleverly used grocery store aisles as an analogy to explain why attributes should be grouped into entities. He explained that grocery stores group logical produce together to make it easier for customers to find what they are looking for. Thereby suggesting that gro

/devops API

Shailendra Malik

Shailendra Malik SVP - Tech Delivery (Data Platform) at DBS Bank

Personality driven Project Management

Project management as a discipline has undergone a tectonic shift of implementation styles. It is one of the primary disciplines that acknowledges and put in place robust structures in place to assess and manage Risks. Risks that can hamper successful delivery or completion of the projects. With millennials joining the workforces and now entering ...

/devops Fintech

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New Features of Drupal 8 makes it Strong

With regards to CMS or content management system, the Drupal 8 is taking it to more noteworthy statures for the administrators, clients and also designers particularly if there should be an occurrence of CMS development. There is a major concentration in the ease of use, yet the introduction of the content, working of APIs, new techniques to make ...


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What event are you waiting for?

In one of my previous articles, the Hollywood Principle, I introduced the concept of an event-driven architecture. This is a popular distributed asynchronous architecture pattern used to produce highly scalable applications. It is underpinned by asynchronous messaging and often implemented using the Publish and Subscribe (PubSub) pattern. The pre

/devops Banking Architecture

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Five DevOps trends for 2019

DevOps as an approach to software development has become widely established over the last nine years. Bringing the development and IT operations functions together has brought many benefits in the form of better communication and increased collaboration and we’ve seen a range of new tools and disciplines emerging to support the movement. Looking a...

/devops Banking Architecture

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The Innovation Game

Banks are facing up to the challenges of the digital age. But legacy systems remain a hindrance to innovation. How are banks addressing this challenge to deliver innovation at the speed that customers expect? These issues, and more, are addressed in a whitepaper we commissioned with Finextra: “The Innovation Game: Escaping legacy with new technolo...

/devops Open Banking

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Nouns and Verbs in the world of APIs

Please note that this is a little more technical than my previous articles – sometimes I need to let my inner-geek out. Simply because RESTful APIs are based on resources and use the HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH), does not mean they should only support CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. RESTful APIs can also be used for ...

/devops API

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