Discussion of what it is that make some teams outperform, and how to adjust your team to be at the top of the game.
As the owner, you will also give up ownership if you leave this group.
Anton Roe CEO at MHR
While meeting financial goals is the overall objective for many organisations, achieving and sustaining them in the long term requires a strong, high-performing culture. People across any organisation need to work well together to boost productivity, efficiency and growth. However, misalignment between business leaders and the workforce on how to ...
25 March 2025 /people
Steve Morgan Banking Industry Market Lead at Pegasystems
In an age of constant innovation and ever-expanding possibilities for customer engagement, the banking sector is not alone in considering future talent development as a key business concern. Research released in April by the UK’s Financial Services Skills Commission (FSSC) found that 92% of its member firms had difficult-to-fill vacancies in 2022...
26 September 2022 /people /retail
Simon Gegen Financial cloud services and wallet solutions at Holla-Tech
Value investing is one of the most popular trading strategies that teaches fundamental skills that will develop your understanding of the market. This article will cover popular trading investment strategies around fantasy finance. Source Traditional investing can provide many tried and tested strategies that, with a little modification, can be a...
23 September 2021 /markets /predictions
Joris Lochy Product Manager at Intix | Co-founder at Capilever
Silo thinking is often frowned upon in the industry. It is often a synonym for bureaucratic processes and politics and in almost every article describing the threats of new innovative Fintech players on the banking industry, the strong bank product silos are put forward as one of the main blockages why incumbent banks are not able to (quickly) rea...
19 March 2021 /people
Shailendra Malik SVP - Tech Delivery (Enterprise Search) at DBS Bank
How did I get here? Project Management is a tough job. We need to keep a track on budgets, timelines, scope, stakeholders’ expectations, our team members and even the scope of the project. Sometimes we manage big initiatives, and sometimes we manage BAU stuff. Every project has its own challenges, its own kamikaze moments and its own benefits.
20 May 2019 /ai
Vasyl Soloshchuk CEO & Founder at INSART Fintech Business Accelerator
You’d think by now fintech companies must have a clue about finding the right software development vendor, but as it turns out many of them still don’t. Over the years of working in this industry, we've talked to numerous companies to find out what the main pitfalls of outsourcing in fintech are. The main takeaway is that the lack of domain expert...
21 January 2019 /devops
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