272 Results from /devops
Hash Choudhuri General Manager (EMEA) at Cribl
The pivot by many banking and financial firms to digital by default over the past few years has played out against a huge surge in cybercrime, with the pandemic creating a perfect storm for new methods and types of attack. IBM reports that 23 per cent of all cyber-attacks are directed at financial institutions, while the total cost of a single dat...
10 May 2022 /security /devops Data Management and Governance
Den Burykin Managing Director at Fastlane Solutions
The Royal Commission into banking misconduct continues to act as a perfect catalyst of the reliable, responsible and independent future of the Australian digital financial and payment capabilities. The reality is things going wrong under Open Banking will come down more to technology and human error. It’s our job to manage those expectations, espec...
09 May 2022 /regulation /devops Open Banking
Victor Martin CMO at SquareRoot
For years financial institutions and companies are utilizing several states of the art technologies for meeting the needs of their clients. These technologies shaping financial solutions are now referred to as fintech. From traditional mobile banking apps to sophisticated financial or investment planners, there are several different types of finte...
06 May 2022 /devops /startups Business Knowledge for IT
Sergio Barbosa CIO of Global Kinetic, and CEO of FutureBank. at Global Kinetic and FutureBank
When we first engage with traditional banks we often hear about the same challenges. Banks today are expected to compete against small, nimble fintechs on the one hand, while also fending off the growing competition from the megatech companies like Alibaba, Amazon and Google who are all rolling out their own financial service offerings. While they...
27 April 2022 /retail /devops Banking Architecture
Konrad Litwin Global General Manager - Testing at Perforce Software
With the advent of DevOps, testing plays more of a starring role in developing financial services software, but many still view it as an annoying bottleneck. Within that, the biggest bottleneck of all is locating quality test data (the information against which to carry out a test). Searching or waiting for someone to generate that information is ...
21 April 2022 /devops
Mohammad Abidi Vice President of Engineering at Baton Systems
While front-office technology has enabled trading in nanoseconds, post-trade processing remains manually intensive, opaque, restrictive and slow. Interoperable SaaS platforms can provide efficient, future-proof solutions allowing firms to achieve friction-free processing implemented with minimal disruption. Post-trade processing: time to refres...
18 March 2022 /wholesale /devops Capital Markets Technology
Retired Member
For many of us, access to financial services is something we may take for granted. From mobile and online banking capabilities, from which we can manage our finances, credit cards, and insurance, to a multitude of options when it comes to making point-of-sale payments,, financial services can be at our fingertips in seconds. But this is not the ca...
10 March 2022 /devops /startups Fintech
Bhavesh Parmar Digital Marketing Manager at HData Systems
Having an A.I. assistant: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly. "Hey, S voice, where can I get some free food nearby?" I don't know how many times I wanted to ask my phone these things. Part of me wants to hear an answer that goes: "Hey, you're in luck, there's a small diner right across the corner. They're giving away free burgers for ...
03 March 2022 /devops /startups Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services
Jacob Ideskog Chief Technology Officer at Curity
The digitalisation of business operations is continually changing, but some clear trends have emerged. It is now common for big businesses to employ multi-cloud strategies, bringing in third party technology to support business goals that revolve around advancing customer experience and delivery of digital services. Application Programming Interfa...
10 February 2022 /devops API
The crypto spaces are spiced up with high capabilities and improved innovations. The creators, artists, gamers, traders, and everyone functioning on various domains, including actual domains, can now be assets. Especially this creative economy is also being legalized, and this digital spectrum is a powerful space to explode your business niches
04 February 2022 /devops /crypto Blockchain Observations
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