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661 Results from /crypto

Orkhan Nasibov

Orkhan Nasibov CEO at Guavapay, Ph.D. in Economics

Is Cryptocurrency here to stay?

The development of currency is directly connected with the use of new technologies and the introduction of innovations. The digital development of financial technology invariably leads to the development of cryptocurrencies. Many financial technologies, previously perceived with skepticism, are fundamental to the smooth functioning of the financia...

/payments /crypto Fintech

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Ethereum's London Hard Fork to Go Live August 4

Ethereum developer Tim Beiko announced in his blog that Ethereum ’s London hard fork will launch on August 4 between 13:00 UTC and 17:00 UTC with block 12,965,000. Previously, the launch date was set for the end of July. Following a successful release on three testnets (Ropsten, Goerli, and Rinkeby), the update will become yet another step towards ...

/inclusion /crypto Cryptocurrency Insights

Camlo Kalandra

Camlo Kalandra Marketing Executive at UTP Merchant Services

Will Regulation Spell the End of Cryptocurrencies?

It has been a turbulent few months for cryptocurrency investors. Elon Musk’s hot and cold relationship with Bitcoin has caused massive fluctuations in its value, as he highlights environmental concerns regarding the energy usage of cryptocurrency mining. China has gone one step further, banning cryptocurrency mining as well as clamping down on tra...

/crypto Cryptocurrency Insights

Eddie Robb

Eddie Robb 

Why should Fintech and Neobanks consider offering crypto investments

The cryptocurrency tide is changing. In the first quarter of 2021 alone, daily Bitcoin transactions reached the 400,000 mark, China launched the second trial of its digital currency and the global market size has now been predicted to reach $1087 million by 2026. Cryptocurrencies are gaining popularity. How do fintech companies benefit from allow...

/retail /crypto Fintech

Anthony Carfang

Anthony Carfang Managing Director at The Carfang Group

Crypto Stablecoins and Prime Money Market Funds. If it walks like a duck . . .

Twenty years ago, Prime Money Market Fund (PMMF) assets were equivalent to 11.9% of U.S. GDP. Today, following a decade of scapegoating and regulation, they are down to a miniscule 2.3%. Commercial paper, upon which companies rely for short term working capital and are a primary holding of PMMFs, has decreased by two thirds over the same period. T...

/crypto /markets Trends in Financial Services

Simon Dimoni

Simon Dimoni Remittance and Crypto Payments at HollaPay

The Best White-Label Crypto Exchange and Crypto Tool Kits

Crypto tool kits are fostering a new global wave in entrepreneurship and are producing a sudden flurry of new products and services Most of these tools are built for trading, but some of them are made to help builders to make their own custom crypto products, markets and exchanges Open-source kits and crypto white-label software especially allow f

/startups /crypto Cryptocurrency Insights

Hirander Misra

Hirander Misra Chairman and CEO at GMEX Group

The Next Frontier in Exchange Matching Engines for Digital Trading Systems

As the business models for exchanges and trading venues continue to evolve, the technological requirements to run them – be they established entities or a new entrant such as a digital asset exchange – are shifting as well. Modern exchanges need to meet a variety of requirements to service clients, from providing low latency order matching engines ...

/crypto /markets Capital Market Technology

Adriana P

Adriana P Trader at Xray Trade

The de-dollarization: once upon a geopolitical concern called crypto

Race to the dollar: the evolution In order to understand why de-dollarization is happening, appreciating the value of the purchasing power of $100 over the years is necessary. Although it was agreed that the dollar would be the universal currency, most of the other countries raised eyebrows on how it gives so much power to the US. Even more when ...

/crypto /predictions Fintech

Adriana P

Adriana P Trader at Xray Trade

Blockchain et économie: Comment la décentralisation pourrait-elle sauver notre économie?

Notre système financier actuel est centralisé En effet, notre système financier actuel est centralisé ce qui signifie que le pouvoir et donc contrôle est centralisé à une personne ou organisme telles les grandes corporates qui ont leur PDG au centre. Source En soit, cela n’a pas vraiment posé de problèmes depuis des années, mais l’inflation et la...

/wealth /crypto Blockchain in Banking and Financial Services

Sean Salloux

Sean Salloux CEO at Sentinel Digital

What Are Digital Banking Platforms?

Digital banking vs digital banking platforms—the difference explained plus their features and how they work. Today, fintech firms and digital banks have become major disruptors of banking services and have transformed traditional banking and payments methods of old. But what exactly lies behind the scenes, what are the main functionalities, and wha...

/payments /crypto Blockchain in Banking and Financial Services

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