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626 Results from /crypto

Andrew Beatty

Andrew Beatty Head of Wealth, Retirement & International at FIS

Beyond Bitcoin and Blockchain: What DLT May Mean for Banks

Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) may be the next phase of the digital revolution. Tech entrepreneur Rick Falkvinge boldly predicts that “Bitcoin will do to banks what email did to the postal industry.” There’s keen interest in cryptocurrency, and banks need to plan whether and to what extent they will participate. Confusion often surrounds the ...

/retail /crypto Blockchain in Banking and Financial Services

Karen Hsu

Karen Hsu CMO at Appdome

A Central Bank Digital Currency: Challenges and Opportunities

National digital currencies have passed from ideas and prototypes into reality. In addition to the Bahamas, China and Sweden, have been running digital currency pilots, and within a few years, we could see dozens of central banks issuing digital currencies. Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) differ from cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin as n...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Five Blockchain Start-Ups You Need To Watch

The year is 2009. A forum user, under the guise ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’, sits down at their computer and is compelled to post something. They (an individual or group) have for years held a deep-seated distrust in centralised financial intuitions; that distrust has now most likely overflowed in to anger as they watch the events of the Global Financial C

/startups /crypto Blockchain Observations

Hirander Misra

Hirander Misra Chairman and CEO at GMEX Group

The UK still has a chance to be a digital finance pioneer post-Brexit, but will we seize it?

I have co-authored this article with Sean Kiernan, CEO of Greengage (previously DAG Global). What will Britain’s role be as a financial innovation centre, post-Brexit? Our economy depends on it, yet over a year after our official exit from the EU on 31 January 2020, the answer is still not clear. In 2018, we both published a report and article high...

/regulation /crypto Digital Asset Class (DAC)

Adriana P

Adriana P Trader at Xray Trade

Crypto regulation : whether you fear it or embrace it, crypto is bound to stay

Bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, regulations, governments, bans, unworthy, revolutionary, so many news articles on the topics, none with any real worldwide summary. Each country reacts differently to bitcoin and its technology. The blockchain here is a little résumé of what is currently happening when governments face bitcoin. The fearful ones: Turkey...

/regulation /crypto Cryptocurrency Insights

Konstantin Rabin

Konstantin Rabin Head of Marketing at Kontomatik

Crypto banks are gaining momentum over traditional banks

The massive popularity of crypto-industry is visible in numbers. For example, the bitcoin market cap reached more than $1 billion and blockchain is expected to hit $23.3 billion. The general market cap of cryptocurrencies is expected to hit $1087,7 billion by 2026. Due to these very eye-catching numbers, crypto banks remain on the rise, while the ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

‘Britcoin’ offers exciting opportunities to modernise UK currency

This blog was co-authored by David Feltes, Managing Principal, Mark Profeti, Principal Consultant and Edward Pease, Consultant at Capco Crypto assets continue to dominate the conversation about the future of currencies, payments and fiscal policy. The Bank of England and UK Treasury’s decision to explore the potential for a UK central bank digital...

/payments /crypto Cryptocurrency Insights

Ed Ackerman

Ed Ackerman Director of Alliances & Partnerships at Onfido

Why COVID-19, NFTs, and the crypto-boom have accelerated the end of passwords

Passwords have long been an archaic form of access security. A recent survey showed that one in 10 people would rather get a root canal or a filling than create a unique password for every online account they have. It’s not surprising to learn then that 50% of those surveyed reuse passwords and one in five have a core password that they adapt to ...

/security /crypto Biometrics

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

Blockchain, IoT and 5G: a marriage a trois

Long-time blockchain has been looked at as an isolated technology. Recently however we see a growing trend of blockchain being integrated with other technologies such as Big Data, Artificial Intelligence amongst others. An interesting development that can be observed is the growing attention of corporates to use blockchain for IoT or Internet of T...

/crypto Blockchain Observations

Adrian Pollard

Adrian Pollard Trader and Crypto Enthusiast at ISTANEX

How Mining Bitcoin will Change the Energy Sector

Despite the digital nature of Bitcoin, the process of mining requires a massive physical infrastructure to support it. How mining works is explained extensively here but simply put, miners are searching/mining for a lucky number and upon finding that number the miner gets freshly minted bitcoin as rewards for their work. This search for the lucky

/sustainable /crypto Cryptocurrency Insights

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