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IDO Launchpad in Multiple Blockchain Networks - A Comprehensive Guide

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The digital revolution has been going on for a while and it is on the verge of transforming the complete landscape of the digital sphere into something great, a place for extensive success and profits. This revolution is led by the inception of blockchain technology. Blockchain is the core of every crypto-based digital application that is developed under the prowess of decentralization. This rapid surge into the digital market has paved the way for business platforms to take a keen interest and develop their own businesses that are modeled after this impressive technology. 

Numerous businesses have been introduced in this domain, but not all business platforms are estimated to be successful. The majority of the business platforms are even failing to reach the market. This arbitrary condition is due to one primary reason, i.e, not enough visibility and branding for the business project. The concept of the IDO launchpad is the solution for these issues faced by businesses in the blockchain domain.

IDO Launchpad- A Quick Insight

An IDO launchpad is a platform where crypto projects are listed and it works as an investor’s pool. Investors can invest in these projects that are listed on the launchpad. The investing process takes place with the initial DEX offering (IDO) model. 

  •  Initial DEX Offering Model

Initial DEX offering is a fundraising model where the crypto coin or token is launched via a decentralized liquidity exchange. This decentralized platform depends on the liquidity pool where investors can swap tokens, which includes stablecoins and cryptocurrencies.

There are IDO projects in the market that are not listed on any launchpad platform. These projects act on their own and they do not depend on any other external help but this method consumes a lot of time and the generation of leads is limited. Thus, listing projects on the launchpad is an effective way to bring investors and allow them to help the listed projects grow exponentially.

Launchpad is developed on various blockchain technologies and each of these launchpads is unique and has its own style of functioning. Depending on the features, the launchpad is selected for businesses. But, the question of how investors enter the business project is completely based on the tokenomics and whitepaper of the project. These two are the most important factor for any business project that is listed on the IDO launchpad.

Characteristics Of An IDO Launchpad

  • Investment Opportunities

An IDO launchpad opens the gate for extensive business opportunities for projects and allows them to implement their ideas and tokens to the cryptocurrency ecosystem at ease.

  • Business Growth

 Listing crypto projects on the IDO launchpad increases the visibility for the project and enables the investors to invest more into the project, which is highly beneficial for the future.

  • Automated Liquidity Pools

An IDO launchpad is intrinsically developed with automated liquidity pools that enable users to invest funds in the liquidity pools and generate yields.

Blockchains That Are Used For Launchpads Development

  • Ethereum

  • Binance Smart Chain 

  • Polkadot 

  • Kusama

  • Cordana

Launchpads That Are Dominating The Blockchain Space

  • BSC Pad

BSC Pad is an impressive launchpad that lists business projects on the Binance Smart Chain network. This launchpad makes use of the Binance Smart Chain platform to the maximum. The launchpad functions with the ability to initiate transactions at a low cost and generate high throughputs. These features lead to the attraction of an enormous amount of digital audience attention and provide seamless opportunities to the businesses that are involved in the blockchain space.

  • Polkastarter

Polkastarter is a launchpad that is built on the foundation of the Polkadot blockchain. It is a multichain-supported decentralized platform that is designed to initiate active auctions and token pools without network congestions. Since Polkastarter is built on the Polkadot network, they can generate links between public and private blockchains effortlessly. These multichain protocols allow the Polkastarter platform to function as a perfect launchpad for business models to increase their brand value, capital and also create a stable crypto ecosystem.

  • Secure Pad

Secure Pad is a launchpad that is made of futuristic cutting-edge functionalities. This launchpad’s primary goal is to bring top-tier quality business projects to the crypto ecosystem easily. This platform functions with the integration of two main functionalities; decentralized incubation and IDO launchpad. These functionalities are completely separate but they combine together and provide the required support to the platform and the business platforms that are listed. The Secure Pad is estimated to be the network that encourages every business sector to create their business in the blockchain network effortlessly and efficiently and support them with successful functionalities.

Wrapping Up,

An IDO launchpad is a very essential component for the crypto domain. It simplifies the complications that are present in a business project by bringing in an ample amount of investors and buyers to the platform. Everything is listed perfectly on the IDO launchpad and it is a perfect marketing tool as well.



This content is provided by an external author without editing by Finextra. It expresses the views and opinions of the author.

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