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451 Results from /ai

Freddie McMahon

Freddie McMahon Director Strategy and Innovation at DF2020 Ltd

Corporate training cannot cope with the ever-widening knowledge gap

As the pace of change continues to accelerate faster and faster, it has become overwhelmingly clear that training is no longer fit for purpose, to address the ever-widening knowledge gap. This is not to say that training is superfluous, but it should not be deployed when there are viable alternatives that are more efficient and effective and opera...

/ai /regulation Fintech innovation and startups

Freddie McMahon

Freddie McMahon Director Strategy and Innovation at DF2020 Ltd

It is time for the Digital Transformation of Corporate Governance?

Within traditional Financial Services there is a common belief that regulation has fundamentally constrained the industry, but at the same time innovation through FinTech has blossomed. The Regulators do not believe regulation is a constraint to good business and have worked closely with FinTech. Something feels out of kilter! Maybe it’s time we f...

/ai /regulation Internal Auditors in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

RegTech - the smart future for model risk management

The inexorable advance of new technologies; artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), big data and cloud computing are transforming financial institutions and markets. Machine learning in particular, is rapidly gaining traction in the world of model risk management, where the increased number of models to be managed, requires a consolid...

/ai /regulation

Ambrish Parmar

Ambrish Parmar Digital Leader, Strategist, at Thought leader and Start-up Advisor

Machine learning - Ethics Rights and Conduct

Time to read: 5 minutes The rise of the algorithm | governed by the algorithm Last week the UK Regulators’ (FSA and PRA) jointly issued a significant individual penalty and organisational special requirements sanction against a UK universal bank for conduct violations*. Having occupied senior leadership roles on a number of UK conduct risk/past bu...

/ai /retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Artificial Intelligence at the changing face of Payment Fraud

A continuous strive towards making payment faster and easier is embracing technology innovation, like never before, which at the same time is creating newer risk exposures for frauds and money laundering. Multi-dimensional initiatives around setting up new infrastructure (RTP in the US, NPP in AUS), building new services/channels (Zelle, fragmente...

/ai /payments Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Freddie McMahon

Freddie McMahon Director Strategy and Innovation at DF2020 Ltd

Chatbot Natural Language Processing Unabated Hype

A lot of chatbot projects in regulated sectors, especially financial services, have reached the realisation that Natural Language Processing (NLP) has severe limitations compared to the unabated hype. NLP is powered by machine learning. Let’s call it a more realistic name. Machine-controlled learning. There are several suitable conversational a...

/ai Futuristic Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Move Forward But Don’t Forget

As a CTO I have been awed by the multiple options for the business application of new technologies. I always put myself in the place of our customers and understand why there are so many organisations grappling with the power of the Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how to make them real. From my days working at a large financial com...

/ai Capital Markets Technology

Kannan Amaresh

Kannan Amaresh Senior VP & Global Head - Insurance at Infosys

Innovation Imperatives for Insurers in the Digital Age

Even a casual look into the history of insurance reveals its rapid evolution over the last decade - from a slow-paced and highly regulated industry, to one consumed with technology transformation. Till recently, insurers have grappled with challenges of engaging millennials, managing investments, simplifying systems, improving combined ratios, and ...

/ai Innovation in Financial Services

Rakesh Chhabra

Rakesh Chhabra Assistant Vice President at Genpact

Conversational AI - Digital first to human first

In the last few years, most of the boardroom discussions have echoed the word “digital first”, thanks to internet initially and smart phones later. The strategies around customer centric approach have also evolved from having a CRM system in place, providing multiple channels to interact, creating a seamless experience through multiple channels an...

/ai /retail

Freddie McMahon

Freddie McMahon Director Strategy and Innovation at DF2020 Ltd

Frugal Engineering to digitalise Standard Operating Procedures

Frugal Engineering is the science of breaking up complex engineering processes to reduce the complexity and cost of producing products, without compromising quality. One example of Frugal Engineering is the use of emergent tools designed for people to build and deploy chatbot products without the need for software engineers. Within these authoring ...

/ai Operational Risk Management

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