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Prosper and Forbes tap Facebook; Co-op Bank joins MySpace

US person-to-person lending platform Prosper and business news provider Forbes have both developed virtual applications designed for users of online social networking site Facebook. Meanwhile in the U...

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Pimp my plantpot

How to make friends and influence people: The UK’s Co-operative Bank is promising to donate 20 pence to a children’s charity in return for people who join the bank’s list of friends at its new MySpace page.

Now, we all know that buying friends on MySpace is not cool. But the Co-op has cleverly included the pay-per-friend scheme as a natural extension of its green marketing policy.

The Co-op's MySpace profile plays heavily on the bank’s ethical credentials, and features television adverts, a 'Climate Care CO 2' calculator, a regular poll on topical environmental issues, plus downloadable screen savers and wallpaper.

It’s been a week since the page went live and the Co-op has already signed up 50 ‘green’ friends at a total cost of £10. As marketing programmes go that represents good value for money.

Ethical banking, or cyncial marketing ploy? You decide.


Comments: (1)

A Finextra member
A Finextra member 31 May, 2007, 12:12Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes Just adding the Co-op bank to my Myspace friends and I noticed with interest that The Co-operative bank is male, 35 years old and from Manchester. It's apparently in a relationship, home town is Rochdale of course and its star sign is Aries.
Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose

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