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Women in tech: we can’t settle for 17%

I’m Sylvia, the founder of Goldex, which is the world’s only multi-dealer marketplace for physical gold that offers an integration for other financial companies.

As I launch Goldex’s blog on Finextra, I was going to share my thoughts on some of the current topics I’ve been discussing with colleagues in the past weeks. But, reflecting on the fact that all of those conversations had taken place with men, I found myself asking why that was - and not for the first time.

I live the reality of being part of the 17%, i.e. the percentage of females in the tech landscape. Find that number surprising? If you’re on this blog post then you likely come from the world of finance and will probably think “not really”.


So, help me answer these questions:

Why am I the only woman-owner of a fishing boat in a harbour with over 2,000 boats in the north of Spain? 

Why am I the only woman in that harbour who fishes seabass, squid and even tuna that weigh over 20kg?

Why are people surprised when they know that I drive a motorbike to commute in London?

Why am I one of the few female CEOs leading a trading fintech company?


Whatever I do, I seem to be one of the few women that does it. Perhaps, you are also one of the 17% and, if so, you likely already know the answers: 


I am not supposed to like fishing. 

I am not supposed to drive a motorbike. 

I am not supposed to run a fintech company. 

I am not supposed to do the same as men do, because I am a woman and I should really like other things.


Personally, I have only overcome these challenges through determination, determination and determination. Those who know me know me to be fairly tough but not only “the tough ones” should succeed. No wonder there are so few women working in tech – they never made it.  And the ones that have, need to fight against these stereotypes.  

However, I don’t enjoy being "one of the few" and it shouldn't be the case.

Do you agree? If so, you might like to read my interview on this topic with We Are Tech Women and follow more of my musings on LinkedIn.


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Sylvia Carrasco

Sylvia Carrasco

Founder and CEO


Member since

13 Oct 2021



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