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2021 (1)
Sandro Salvoni

Sandro Salvoni

Executive at Be Shaping the Future
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Bio Key referent for development of consumer credit and payments topics. Responsible for multiple credit innovation offerings. Solid support to complex transformation programs. Passionate on new technologies and their impacts at social and ethics levels. Career History 13 years of consulting activity. Support and advice italian and international clients in the transformation, innovation and growth of their business and operating model.


Innovation in Financial Services

BNPL in 4 points

04 Nov 2021

Square acquires Afterpay for $29 billion. Scalapay's valuation rises to $700 million after the latest funding round. Upgrade will launch a Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) solution during 2022. These are just a sample of relevant news posted on market in recent months under the BNPL “label”. Buying a good or service by installments has always been a possi...