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Ali Hamriti

Ali Hamriti

Co-Founder and CEO at Rollee
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Bio Ali Hamriti is the CEO and co-founder of Rollee, the European platform for employment data. As Head of Data, Ali has experienced first-hand the inequality of credit scoring. To provide freelancers with fair access to lending products, Ali founded Rollee with the ambition to help the whole European Fintech landscape make better decisions through a single API. Career History Born in Morocco, Ali had the opportunity to study in France and lead Data initiatives in several French Tech startups.


Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Banks data disconnect calls for more inclusive credit scoring

02 Jan 2024

Conventional credit scoring systems are proving inadequate to meet the evolving needs of the modern workforce. A recent study sheds light on a significant issue—UK gig workers are facing financial exclusion due to a disconnect in data access experienced by banks and lenders. The research from Rollee reveals that 70% of UK gig workers find it chal...


Inclusive credit underwriting: Banks and lenders turn to data integration

13 Jul 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of the modern workforce, traditional credit assessment models are struggling to keep pace with the changing dynamics of employment to accurately assess all risk signals. Financial institutions traditionally favour applicants with a single income source and a stable work history at the same company for an extended per...

Trends in Financial Services

The Rise of Alternative Data Makes for a Fairer Gig Economy

30 May 2023

Independent workers are a swiftly growing group of employees who contribute a substantial £20bn to the UK economy each year. Despite this, many of these workers struggle when it comes to accessing financial services and products such as mortgages and loans. The struggle that these workers experience is not due to a lack of funds in securing a loan...

Financial Inclusion

Gig Workers Denied Equal Opportunity to Financial Services - A Cue for Change

16 Feb 2023

Gig workers are a rapidly growing population, and this growth has been amplified with the cost-of-living crisis which has forced 5.2m workers to take on extra jobs. From delivering takeout in the evenings, providing a taxi service or freelancing, this group of employees are combating the stresses of the cost-of-living crisis with additional work. ...