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2024 (6)
Quentin Colmant

Quentin Colmant

CEO and Co-founder at Qover
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Digital Insurance Trends

3 traps companies fall for when creating an embedded insurance program

17 Jun 2024

No matter what business you’re in, you’re constantly grappling with questions surrounding growth: how can I generate more revenue? How can I drive customer behaviour to create more value? How can I better engage with my customers and build a closer relationship with them? The list goes on and on. Tackling these challenges might look different from...

Digital Insurance Trends

Why all insurtechs should insource claims and customer care

15 May 2024

All insurtechs have something in common: they promise to improve the customer experience over traditional players. And yet I’m surprised to see that many of them have decided to focus more on the tech and building a great digital customer acquisition experience without investing in customer lifecycle management (aka customer care) – and even less i...

Digital Insurance Trends

The truth behind insurance customer reviews on Google and Trustpilot

18 Apr 2024

Customer ratings can be tricky for any business, but in the insurance industry it poses some unique challenges. For legacy insurers, who are inherently local, customer reviews can be highly volatile – with some branches receiving much better feedback than others. With insurtechs on the other hand, providing a unified customer experience across bord...

Digital Insurance Trends

Embedded insurance: the path to a global safety net

21 Mar 2024

Insurance is, in theory, one of the most virtuous concepts on earth. It is a natural extension of – or even an improvement on – social security. Everyone pays a small contribution so that when an unlucky event happens to one person, we all contribute to helping them.In that sense, insurance is all about caring and protecting people so that we can l...