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2022 (2)
Peter Barcak

Peter Barcak

CEO & Co-Founder at Credolab
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Bio After more than 20 years in senior roles at multi-national banks and startups, Peter Barcak is an experienced leader who has had a tangible impact on industries dealing with risk calculation. Career History Before launching credolab in 2016, Peter held senior roles in leading banks, including BNP, Citibank, Intesa Sanpaolo Group, and Platinum Bank.



The case for optimism: encouraging fintech trends in 2023

19 Dec 2022

The 2022 post-pandemic year was arguably one of the most challenging for fintech. The economic downturn has hit the industry hard, changing the motivation of investors, consumers and startups. However, any crisis always opens up new opportunities. Despite the current downbeat pessimism on many sides, the fintech industry is not at the 'end of hist...


5 Tips On How To Navigate The Perfect Storm In Fintech

27 Oct 2022

Against the backdrop of the economic downturn, discussions and questions about the future of fintech are becoming increasingly frequent, making many in the industry nervous. In the first quarter of 2022, global fintech indeed saw its biggest funding decline in three years. The sector, used to getting the lion's share of funding and attention, is no...